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Within the human side, there were only two factions. So far, they had always made the top and the bottom, with the Dimensionals at the top and Chrantans at the bottom. Humans were different from Demi humans because they had no animal related features. Dimensionals were, however, the strongest magic users that there were, with Chrantans being the most intelligent, if only by a margin.

This century, things were different, although only among Chrantans. The new Chrantanian Children were enlightened, realising the potential of tactics and strategy. Soon, many of the new Generation I were rising in military ranks, scientific fame- you name it, they won it. Most of the older generations were furious, expect for N. N came before I, many including proud parents. Percival's family, however, hated most I. Percival himself almost began to believe them, but stayed friendly. Eventually, he too rose in the military. So let me tell you the story of a new Chrantanian I who won the new war...
A new Chrantanian I called Percy.

The history of Ni- Percival, the one and only tacticianWhere stories live. Discover now