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"Hello, everyone, I'm Chip Pemberton. I live right up there." My older brother said, pointing at our huge mansion. "In the spirit of Labor Day, I'd like to give it up to the real laborers. The caterers, the valet-" I stopped listening because I had no clue what those were.

I was playing with Ben on the swings when I pushed him too hard and he fell flat on his face. "Ow!" He screams. I felt bad and took him to mommy. Who was talking to a homeless looking lady.

"Mommy.... Ben got a nosebleed." I said. As he raised his arms so she can carry him. She looked at him and gasped. "Oh! Gross! Get- Alba." She said disgusted as she handed him to our maid. She was busy so it was reasonable for him to hand him over.

"Yes, Mrs. Poodle." Alba said in her accent. She picked him up. They started speaking Spanish and I joined. "They have their own language... it's annoying." I heard my mommy say. She wasn't very smart but she was pretty!

I stayed behind because I didn't want to see the blood anymore. "FBI! We have a warrant for the arrest of Christopher Pemberton for fraud!" The strange lady ran when she heard 'FBI.' She knocked me down as she ran. I slipped and hit my cheek. I'm... going to have a bruise.


The lady walks through the door and turns around to see us lined up. From Sabrina, to Chip, to Ben, and me. We all look at her with tired expressions.

"So..." she starts,"Your parents are safe. And they just wanted to see if I could spend time with you guys until this whole thing gets sorted." Chip chuckles. "It will get sorted. Okay? And when it does, those FBI pigs will be the ones rotting in jail."

I frown. "Mommy and daddy are in jail?" My twin and I ask at the same time. The lady looks at us weirdly. She sighs and looks at Chip for help.

Chip kneels down to our height and looks into our eyes and says,"Don't worry Ben and Minnie, the scales of justice tip in favor of the wealthy. If we throw enough money in this thing, I'm sure it'll go away. And then, we'll sue their asses for defamation, okay?" Me and Ben smiled at each other. "Okay!" We chirped.

The lady looked at us nervously,"okay..." Chip stands back up. "So..... I have an idea! Ooh! Why don't we all just hunker down and play poker all night long, until this whole thing blows over?"

Sabrina scoffs. "That's not going to work with me... yeah, I'm going to go to this fundraiser for plan parenthood. Probably crash at my friends place, go to the city tomorrow- so just don't expect to see me too much- no, we probably won't see each other at all. But hey," she faked smiles," let's catch up again in ten years, when you need another loan."

"Listen Sabrina, I got a lot riding on this gig- so can you do me a favor and not be a giant pain in the ass, please?" I cover my ears because I don't like bad words.

"Maybe you don't know this, but Plan Parenthood provides health care to over 3 million women in this country."

"Oh sweety, I know all about Plan Parenthood- I should have one of those punch cards that get you free subs every ten visits." (I just remembered her name) Mackenzie said. "Gross." Sabrina said.

"No, I just meant I- I- never got, like uh I just had a bunch of bacterial- infect you know what," Micky said," Ew," Sabrina said.

"The point is, you want to make a difference? Go out on the front line, right? Chain yourself to redwood, light yourself on fire. Just not tonight, understood?" Micky said.

"I'm sorry, were you saying something? I was distracted by how uneven your eyebrows are." Sabrina sassed walking off.

I ran up to my aunt and hugged her legs. She was surprised and screamed. I giggled and ran off.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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