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Name: Jackie Morrison

Gender: Female

Weapon: The summoning umbrella

More blunt damage
Larger shield effect
Sharper umbrella sword
Faster reloading

Likes: All resident evil bosses, zombies, viruses, Main characters, the queen, red queen, Malty, umbrella Corp., Umbrella soldiers, working out.

Dislikes: the king, Myne, beasts, running.

Personality: kind, willing to help, always looks for both sides of an argument, never takes one side.

Starting stats:

Jackie Umbrella summoner level 1

HP: 1000
EXP: 0
Strength: 90
Mana: 0
INT: 350
AGI: 25
DEX: 35
VIT: 80


Summon zombies:
Mana: ---
Health: 50
Creates a small horde of five zombies with one partially armored zombie, but otherwise so special attributes.

Summon special zombie:
Mana: ---
Health: 55
Summons a single special zombie (armored, dealer zombie, ECT.)

Summon infector:
Mana: ---
Health: 75
Summons an ally capable of infecting enemies both human and non human.

Summon human ally:
Mana: ---
Health: 200
Summons a survivor or main character from the games to help the summoner.

Summon boss:
Mana: ---
Health: 350
Summons a boss form the resident evil series, able to take more complicated commands than the zombies.

Summon weapons:
Mana: ---
Health: 50
While the summoner cannot use these weapons the summoned Ally's must be equiped some how.

Summon carrier:
Mana: ---
Health: 125
Summons a vehicle with the capacity to carry a large amount of zombies.

Summon builders:
Mana: ---
Health: 75
Summons humans and a few stronger infected to collect then build a base much like the N.E.S.T. from the resident evil series, the more summoned the faster the building.

Summon Soldiers:
Mana: ---
Health: 150
Summons a group of ten unarmed soldiers capable of following complex instructions, better at defending than attacking but very useful in large numbers.

Summon rescue operators:
Mana: ---
Health: 225
Summons a group of five operators capable of healing and getting civilians out with minimal harm.

Summon virus canister:
Mana: ---
Heath: 999 (the cost will always leave the user at one health point).
Summons a virus or infection that is unable to over take the summoner but can be used by the summoner.

Summon traps:
Mana: ---
Health: 90
Summons basic traps like a trip wire, pit fall trap, ECT.

Summon supplies:
Mana: ---
Health: 25 * the number of supplies summoned.
Summons a pallet of one type of supplies such as green herbs, red herbs, low grade gun powder, ECT.

Summon cure:
Mana: ---
Health: 1
Summons a cure to the virus summoned, will knock the summoner unconscious, which has a chance to make the cure fall and shatter.

the rising of the umbrella heroTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon