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I walk to the back room in a daze. Everyone is quiet, but I may have just stopped processing what's happening. Dumbledore won't look me in the eyes. The teachers are angry and confused.

In the back room all I can do is stand and stare at the  other champions. They look back. One asks me something but I don't answer. Before they can angry the Heads of the different schools rush in. Snape, McGonagall, and the minister hot on their heels.

They all start arguing but I still don't hear. Not until Dumbledore grabs me and asks if I put my name in. All I can do is shake my head no. I don't pay attention to who believes me and who doesn't. I can't focus and instead hide in the back, leaning my head against the wall, eyes closed.

Some time later I finally focus back in when McGonagall grabs me and drags me back to Gryffindor Tower. She leaves me in the common room. All alone.

Ron and Hermione, who normally wait up for me, are gone. Already asleep. I don't care. Instead I head to bed myself and ignore the world.

The next day when I wake up no one is in the room. I shower, brush my teeth, change, and down to my friends.

Hermione won't look at me. Ron looks ready to burst. Everyone ignores me. I ignore them back.

I head back up to the dorm room and grab my school bag and books. After a few minutes I head back down and to the lake.

I go the long way so as to not run into anyone. Ignoring all sounds and noises.

At the lake I sit and pull out my potions book and parchment to start my homework. I continue this way through the whole day. No one bothers me. For the first time I get all my homework done before the Sunday.

I follow this pattern for weeks. Alternating between the kitchens and Great Hall to eat. I start sitting in the back near the door in my classes. I keep my head down. My grade go up.

Every so often Ron try's to start a fight and Hermione will try to get him to stop. I don't let either get close.

Surprisingly, Malfoy leaves me alone. He doesn't search me out or bother me. I avoid him just in case anyway. That is... until I find him and Blaise Zabini snogging in an abandoned classroom.

They don't notice me at first and I'm to surprised to do more than stare. When they do notice Malfoy pushes Zabini away and they both stare back at me. Malfoy's face goes red, Zabini's blank. I leave before they can say anything.

I spend the following week hiding from them in the library. Then the weekend comes.

Saturday is when the corner me. On my way to the library Zabini pulls me into an abandoned classroom and blocks the door.

They each pull out their wands and put up muffling spells. Once done Zabini leans into the door and Malfoy sits on a desk, legs crossed.

We don't say anything for awhile then Malfoy speaks. He starts babbling about not telling anyone what I say or he'll hurt and I'll regret it... blah, blah, blah. I zone out.

When he finally stops I look at him and Zabini for a moment before shrugging and saying okay. Their eyes flash in surprise but they don't say anything. Then Zabini steps away from the door. I leave.

Up until the first task they watch me. Never making contact, but always watching. I ignore them and continue to study.

At some point Hagrid shows me the Dragons and I get some books from the library. When done I leave them and note on Diggory's bed. I see him reading them at dinner.

When the tasks comes I end up with the most dangerous dragon, the Hungarian Horntail. I go last.

Once out I slowly approach the dragon and stop a safe distance away. The I start to speak. Everyone goes quiet.

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