Chapter 1

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⚠️I just want to say that there is some suicide in this story so if you are uncomfortable please don't read. Thanks enjoy!⚠️

Growing up sucks when you have no father and a mother that abandoned you. Im an only child and no other family members are around because they all moved far away or they are dead.

Hi, I'm Camdyn Leah Smith and I live in my grandmas house. She passed away about a month ago. I have a job so I can keep the house as long as I can do the bills. I have no one now and I'm now stuck in a house in California going to a school that I hate. But the best thing I like about our school is I get to see my best friend Maggie. Maggie and I have been friends for about 2 years and she has a boyfriend. He seems really nice and he has 4 other friends that are always around with him.

There is a 2 months left of school for my senior year. I have been to Maggie's house many times but today we are going to The boys house instead. I'm scared because they are so rich and have so much. I feel like I won't be able to do anything. But enough of all my bull I need to get ready for school.

I'm wearing jeans and a white long sleeve shirt with a white headband and some black dudes. Oh and 1 more thing people call me a slut, hoe, grandma, and more things but it's whatever. I've learned to live with it at this point.

-after I'm done getting ready-

"Slut" Seth yells as he drives by my house.

I flip him off and I get in my car. Seth is my bully and that's all he does. He is so mean about everything. I don't know how much longer I can stay in this house because I don't have the money but I have to keep trying. I pull into the school and park beside Maggie.

"Hey bitch" Maggie's yells at me when I get out of the car.

"Hey hoe!" I say.

"So after school we are dropping your car off at your house and then we will drive over to the boys."Maggie's says

"Yeah that's cool," I say

"Your ok with us staying all weekend right?" She asks.

"Yep, sure it doesn't matter how long we stay," I say. We walk into the school and we go to our lockers. "Ok I got to get to first class, bye Maggie"

"Bye, Camdyn"

I walk into class and I sit down and pull out my phone and I start scrolling through insta and then the teacher walks in and starts the lecture and I get so bored so fast like usual.

-After last period-

"Hey Maggie how was your day?" I ask her.

"Hey Camie, it was great," Maggie says.

"Nice, so are you ready to go?"

"Um yeah, Brandon wanted to come along but he wanted to shop before we went back to the house," she says.

"Oh ok, I can wait at home and then you guys can pick me up," I say.

"No no we thought Zion could pick you up if that's cool," Maggie's says.

"Um yeah which one is that again?" I ask.

"He's the one with dreads and he is light skin,"Maggie says chuckling.

"Oh ok is he following me or does he have my address?" I ask. I kinda think he is the hottest one at all of them but I can't be in a relationship right now because of my ex.

"He will follow you," she says.

"Ok where is he now," I say.

"He is by his car and told him where your car was so he's probably out there," she says.

I Live 4UDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora