Forget ✫

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" I wrote this poem after watching the first half of a Korean Drama entitled, Cinderella Sister , starring Moon Geun Young and Chun Jung Myung. I was so drawn with their characters that lead me to writing this work. I hope you all like it. " - vLaineLlodavi


I was a stubborn girl adopted

Hating the world is what I wanted

I snob you when you say "Hello"

But then I like the way you call my name

Saying Eun Jo - yah is your aim

Oppa is what she calls you

Glares were the only thing I can show you

Cheerfulness is her strong point

This coldness in my heart I couldn't unfroze

You never said what you wanted

At least you write but then she hide it

You always asked me if I have something to say

But I'll just pretend that I do not care

'Cause that's the thing I knew to hide the pain

I can't believe all those things you've said

You gave me tears I had never shed

Now you can't miss a single time

'Cause you wasted a thousand mile

For just thinking of how to make me smile

From the past 8 years, you ran from home

I planned to look for you alone

I longed for you to come back for me

But the feeling I had was long gone and left me

You are way too late to beg at me

How come everything ends up like this

Bringing back the past that we missed

I don't even think I would cry

From the memories I want to dry

'Cause every move you've shown is so new to me

I beg of you to leave me alone

'Cause I want to forget the past and come home

Pretending is the thing I could do for you now

Just let me endure this pain alone

Sacrificing myself to hell is my loan.


" 31 January 2011 " --- 2nd year college

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