Under the Mistletoe

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"No." Madge frowned.

"Why not Katniss?" She asked, touching my hand. "It'll be fun."

I shook my head. I didn't go to parties, especially not ones where I didn't know anyone. My idea of a perfect evening during the Christmas season was sitting on my couch watching Elf and sipping hot chocolate. I just wasn't a social person. I had only two close friends and some acquaintances. Madge, on the other hand, was a social butterfly.

"I'm sorry Madge," I said. "I just don't really like stuff like that." She sighed.

"Kat, you'll have fun. You know Delly and Maysilee, and you definitely know Gale. And remember Annie from that city banquet we attended last month? She'll be there too with her boyfriend.

"Come on, it'll be great. There's gonna be food and music and eggnog. I know you love eggnog."

I did love eggnog. I glanced at the candy cane lights hanging from the ceiling of Madge and I's apartment. We roomed together ever since our sophomore year at college.

"I'll go." Madge squealed.

"I knew you'd agree! Gale owes me twenty bucks!"


I walked into Delly's apartment and was immediately overcome by the scent of gingerbread cookies and the sound of Michael Bublè's Christmas album. Madge automatically ran towards me. She had left earlier than me to help set up. They had clearly done a great job. Everywhere you looked, there was some type of decoration. Waiters, dressed all in black with Santa hats, carried trays and offered appetizers and drinks to party-goers.

Madge stood next to me, accompanied by a auburn headed girl who I recognized as Annie Cresta from the annual Panem City banquet in November.

"Katniss, this is Annie," Madge said to me. "You must remember her. Annie, Katniss."

Annie smiled at me and I genuinely returned it. I excused myself and made my way to the makeshift bar in the large common room. Delly's house was huge.

I sat down on one of the stools and looked around. I saw Madge and Gale dancing and Delly Cartwright, the host of the party, talking to a pretty girl with brown hair.

"Well, you look lonely just sitting here."

I turned around and was met with blue eyes almost the same shade as Madge's. The guy smiled and my breath caught in my throat.

"Um, yeah," I said awkwardly. The guy, who was very, very attractive, ran a hand through his blonde hair and I internally died.

"Then I'll join you." He sat down on the stool next to me and stuck out a hand. "Peeta Mellark. I'm Delly's best friend and cousin."

I shook his hand. "Katniss Everdeen. I'm here with my friend Madge." Peeta nodded knowingly. "I went to high school with her."

"Oh, cool." Peeta just shrugged in response. He sighed, opened a cabinet on the side of the bar, and pulled out some bottles and shot glasses. I stared at him questionably and he poured the contents of the bottle in the tiny glass.

"Peppermint schnapps," Peeta answered nonchalantly, now pouring a brown bottle in too. "And chocolate syrup. Tastes like a freaking peppermint patty." He offered me a glass and I downed it quickly. Peeta smiled with half of his mouth. "You downed that fast."

I smiled. "I didn't just learn how to teach a history class in college."

Peeta looked at me, a grin still on his face, and I smiled back.

"So, what did you learn in college?" I asked, just trying to make conversation.

"I studied to be a teacher, but not a history teacher. An English one. I graduated last year, and I still haven't found a job, so I work at my family's bakery."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2014 ⏰

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