Bye, Felicia

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It all started on a nice and cloudy day. She'd been feeling adventurous. In the mood to try new things.

And as fate would have it, there was a new coffee shop that opened right down the street from her apartment.

The decorations were nicely done and the atmosphere was fabulous. The girl at the counter was also quite friendly.

She didn't even have to wait too long - might have to do with it not being the rush hour, but she was in a good mood - until her name was called and she went up to collect her order.

She politely thanked the guy, giving him a smile and turned around to leave.

"Bye, Felicia." She suddenly heard from the same guy who'd called out her name.

"Excuse me?"

"Your name. It's Felicia, right?" He grinned.

Honestly, the joke's been overdone by her friends, but an amused huff escaped her lips as his coworker slapped his head.

"Sorry, he doesn't think before he speaks." The cashier apologises for him as he pouted in the background.

"It's fine." She chuckled. "I get it a lot."

She looked over at him again, eyes pausing on his pink shirt.

'Marco' his name tag read.

"I might still come again, don't worry. This place is in a very convenient location for me." And what a coincidence, she grinned, looking back up at him. "See you maybe, Marco Polo."

She giggled at the confused noise he made as she left.


"So I didn't quite get it last time and Suzy here refused to explain -"

"Because it's just too simple." Suzy interrupted.

"Yeah, shut up now, I'm not talking to you. Anyway," He turned back to Felicia. "you called me Marco Polo, but why?"

"Seems I wasn't wrong either way, though." She replied, eyes going down to his shirt - green today. "I really don't understand how you can't get it."

He pouted. "Oh come on, tell me. I'll throw in a donut; my treat."

"Marco, you're more broke than -"

"Shush, Suzy." He waved a hand at her blindly, still looking at Felicia.

"No thank you, I'm on a diet. I do accept payment in phone numbers from handsome dudes in polo shirts, though."

"Dammit, no one here likes polo shirts. Kyle likes Gucci though, is that alright?"

Felicia and Suzy shared a look of absolute disbelief.

"What? You're looking at each other like I did something really dumb." Marco whined.

"Oh my god - just give me her damn cup."

Marco immediately handed the cup over to Suzy who scribbled on it before giving it to Felicia.

"There. That's his number."

"Wait, why'd she want my - oh." He blushed, briefly looking down at his shirt.

"Yes, oh." She laughed, sipping at her coffee. "But I mean, only if you want, of course." She looked up apologetically. "I don't want to force you.."

"Oh, uh, gosh, no. Um, I - I don't. At all. I - I mean, I don't - don't mind at all. Yeah." He trailed off, nervously picking at his shirt. "Phew, wow, it's getting really hot in here I'm going to go into the kitchen and see if they need any help, Kyle, you need any extra hands?"

Bye, FeliciaWhere stories live. Discover now