She'll wait

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He died,Felicity.

Ra killed him off.

That painful truth forced a scream to be released of her soft pink brims,her cheeks were wet and her body was bathed in a cold sweat. The sheets were twisted around her limbs, probably because she was restless in her sleep. Her heart pounded against her chest. She trembled,both hands weakly raised and rested on her

The same dream over and over again. She could almost see it happening;How Ra finishes Oliver off - stabbing him to death and casually pushing him off the cliff whilst she just stands there.Frozen,and can only be a spectator to this horrifying scene.

What's worse than seeing her love die is the fact that she has to live this dream over and over. The pain of her love dying in front of her doubling for every time repearts itself,ripping her humanity away slowly and viciously, but not for a second did she ever gave up on him. You may tell her he had died,tell her she's crazy for having such faith or even torture her in her dreams to believe such truth but don't ever think for a second her faith for her man will ever waver.

She believes in him.

She knows he will be back.


It has been weeks since Oliver's duel with the Head of the Demon Ra and ever since his departure not once has he appeared back at The Foundry.Everyone seems to have lost their fate on him,telling her that Oliver is dead. Ra killed him off. Surely she's broken. She couldn't hold back the tears upon hearing those words of Oliver being dead;she remembered vividly how she felt then.Numb.Broken.Empty.

Literally her heart is just so numb like a horrifying toxin has been placed into her heart and for a moment there she thought her heartbeat ceased.

People always told her that she's the light for Oliver but she thinks they're wrong.

Oliver /is/ the light to her darkness.

It's Oliver  who manages to make her feel special.

It's Oliver who makes her feel safe.

It's Oliver who stole whatever pain is inside her.

It's Oliver who makes her happy.

It's Oliver who is her biggest mistake.


It's Oliver who holds the key to her heart.

The brilliant IT didn't take it that well either when Laurel makes assumption of Oliver joining the League and hs betrayed us all,saying how this isn't the first time he had betrayed someone. She didn't take that well,though. She ended up punching Laurel so hard in the face and she swore if it wasn't for Roy holding her her heels will definitely be flying to hit The Black Canary.

Felicity hasn't be the girl who likes violence but those words that had escaped Laurel is over the line and unacceptable.

Oliver will never bail on them like this.

Not for a second will she ever believe Oliver will leave them.

What kills her the most is when they wanted to do this funeral for Oliver.

This is honestly the first time she lashed out in front of everyone.

She slams her hand to the metal table so hard that her palm is literally burning due to the contact,but it didn't stop her from exploding though.She exploded at each and everyone of them;asking them as to why they can have so little faith of him being alive and why they seem to have given up on him.

The blonde then ended up leaving the Foundry in tears. She's just so frustrated that everyone had seem to given up on her man.

Felicity hadn't brought up the topic of the funeral ever since and didn't even bother asking if they even did it. Felicity and the team continue to work like usual without the presence of Oliver but even then you know there's tension between Felicity and the others;she's even sure they're starting to think she's crazy at some point.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2014 ⏰

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