The moon is closer than you think

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The moon is closer then you think. Well that is what Jungkook had been constantly told since he were a mere pup. But as he grew, he was starting to doubt this claim. Like his brothers, he had searched extensively, through all the packs he could, to find his mate, his perfect match, a piece of his soul. The missing peice of his soul. And like his brothers, he was yet to find you.

Sighing he left his folorn thoughts alone and focused on his duties: supervision of their packs troops. So far today, the normly involved, impressively strong worrier, was off with the fairies. Well not literally, fairies were a pain in the arse and horrible people to be around. But he was drifting from reality and leaving the training to his older brothers. As such, today the men were learning one on one knife fighting with Jimin, and long weapons use with Hobi.

It was already late into the training session and he was not feeling particular up to teaching or anything. He had a major lack of energy, maybe he should see Jin about it? He thought. So in the end he just choses to analysis the fight between the blond haired, swift brother and random soldier in training numer 5. What a splended dagger game it was. To the left the knife was first thrust before Jimin dodged, keeping his side safe, before aiming his weapon for the mans shoulder. It was dodged, but in fulfilling this movement, he had missed the delicate footwork of the prince, ultimately being sent to the floor. Loomed over by the menacing smile held upon the victor's personage.

"I surrender," the man exhails, droping the blade as his hands raise in the air above him.

Jimin only clicks his tongue in annoyance before offering his hand and helping the fallen man to to gain his ballance.

Similar fights occurred over the next half hour, Hoseok also expressing his skills but offering more verbal instructions and advice. The happy sunshine was a ball of pure kindness, only ever losing his light when things grew serious, deadly serious.

As the allarm tolled the indication of end of practice, the men were directed to the changing rooms, before receiving direction to head to the cafateria and eat before the hours end. The three Alphas in charge walked away from the large sand covered courtyard and towards their courters on the east side. They were heading to the showers to freshen up before meeting their companions for a meal outside their territory in a neutral human zone. They were headed their to hold discussions with a neighbouring pack regarding an agressive rouge faction that was continuously trespassing on both of their lands, so far avoiding capture by either side.

Jungkook had never realy liked these kinds of boring talks, holding preference with things more thriling and exhilarating, ans as such would rather leave the logistics and debates to his hyungs.

Although it was to be a friendly meeting, one could never be to carefully, and as such he decided to equip himself with three small knives. Not that he would likely use them. Blade arts were not his forte after all.

Soon Tae was sent to collect the man who was, due to once again zooning out, running behind schedule.

One car had already left. The smooth black of the expensive vehicle carrying their leader and two eldest Alphas.

As such those who remained in waiting were those who were with him at training that day, Tae, and obviously himself.

Once they were all in Hope begain the  car, the engine purring happily as he started it, and set off along the forest road.

They arrived at the outer lying restaurant in less than 45 minutes and clambered out. Entering the establishment to find their friends and the other packs delegates already seated at a large, issolated, table.

They walked up together and sat down around the circular slab of wood. Jungkook beging Tae with puppy eyes to let him have the only  remaining cushioned booth like seat, and the elder complying, traping Junkook into the inner seat when they sit.

Food was ordered and the waitress scurried off the fufill all of their requests. Returning promptly with a tray of unsteady glasses. Drinks thankfully placed safely upon the surface.

Although greatly annoyed by his current inhibited state, Jungkook was also a little happy that he was so out of it. I mean, it was the reason that he missed most of the dinners conversation, why time flew by. Sure he heard things like; "cooperate, send men along the, deal with, other issue, slow but steady, desire more information," as waiters passed by, or food was served, or everytime he took a drink.

But mostly, he missed it. As such it was time to go home and the wolf was extreemly glad to be leaving this unknown, human filled, land and head back to his familiar territory, to his bed, to sleep. Sleeeeeep.

He got up like a zombie and followed the others out to the waiting cars. Once goodbyes were said and only the seven remained, they also filtered off into cars. Jungkook erged Hoseok to leave, he really wanted to get home, so he did. And they drove smoothly along the winding, tree walled, road.

From his place in the front passenger seat, shootgun as he called to win his place, he saw a shadow up ahead on the side of the road.

Thinking it may be an hurt wolf, or the rouges, he yells out in hastened panic. The others just looked at him shocked, driver taking his eyes off the road for a bit to long, drawing quite near to the object casting the aforementioned shadow.

"Stop the car" he growled. "Now!"

And luckily he did, cause they stopped just in time.


I haven't edited this, I will do it tommorow. Maybe 😏

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