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Yoke forgive Shen and their wedding goes on, Ella gave up and tries to suicide but Matthew stopped her and Ella fall for Matthew.


After a few weeks, Yoke commenced her life, Ella and Shen were dating. One morning, Yoke passed by Ladyboss, saw Ella and Shen enjoying their breakfast. She tried avoiding them but, Ella noted her and offered Yoke to join them but Yoke rejected. After Yoke walked away, Shen asked Ella why she called Yoke but Ella kept silent. Shen got angry and went to work. While Yoke arrived at KSUH, Louis saw Yoke and interrogation her but Yoke merely smiled and walked into her office.Suddenly Shen called Yoke but she didn't answer. Meantime, Ella also arrived at KHUS went to James's office, and James asks Ella about her and Shen. Ella thought it weird and told James it was none of his business and walked out.Ella went to Yoke's office, and they initiated talking, Ella keeps advising Yoke to date Matthew. Yoke told Ella to leave. After a few days, Yoke was having breakfast with Jessica at Luke.Yoke and was shocked when Matthew approached. He asked Yoke for dinner but Yoke rejected, Matthew convinced Yoke to go. After that, Yoke was accepting an urgent meeting with the board members. Meantime, Matthew went to KHUS to look for Yoke, and they went for dinner, Matthew started asking Yoke about her past with Shen. Yoke told Matthew everything between Shen. Yoke told Matthew they were only friends. Matthew told Yoke about Ella was messing up her relationship. Yoke was shocked and told Matthew that Ella kept forcing her to date Matthew. On the second day, Yoke went to Ladyboss snatch some food and Yoke saw Ella and smiled at her and walked away. When Yoke was at her office dealing with client calls, Louis suddenly told Yoke to work overseas. Yoke informed Matthew about leaving Singapore. On that night, Matthew called Shen to meet up at a bar, while they were talking.Matthew told Shen about Ella messed up his relationship. Shen was shocked. Matthew explained to Shen and he admits to Matthew he had feelings for Yoke. He told Shen that Yoke will be leaving Singapore. After few days, Yoke went to Adina's for breakfast with The Shelleys and went to Hospital to visit Derek. When she came out from Derek's room, she saw Shen. They started talking Shen conferred a blessing to Yoke. In a couple of shakes, Yoke was leaving. Shen rushed to the airport and stopped Yoke. He told Yoke that Ella was lying. In the intervening period, they went to Ladyboss to find Ella. She was shocked when she saw they were together, Ella got mad, she asked Shen what was going on. Shen tells Ella they know she was lying the entire time. She freaked out. Ella admitted everything. Ella begged Shen not to didn't leave. Then, Yoke went back to KHUS to explain everything to her brothers. After few days, Ella was fired by James. Ella got angry and criticized everything on Yoke. Meantime, Shen and Yoke were having breakfast, they informed Jessica everything.Shen announced their wedding goes on and his family will come to Singapore. Yoke wants to talk to Yang.When Yoke thanked him and Yang told Yoke he will give back Shen his life.After, Yoke on her way to KHUS, suddenly Ella attacked Yoke with a knife and stabbed her on the back and ran away after Yoke passed out. Fortunately, Annaya was walking by and saw Yoke's unconscious figure.She swiftly rushes to the hospital.They endure shocking, and Yoke suffered a serious injury. After a few days, Ella blackmailed Yoke.She was frightened and told Shen about it. On a night, Yoke was going back from work and suddenly attacked by some people but luckily Matthew was on duty and saw the commotion.He captured the criminals and reported the situation to the other police officers. The officers started investigating the civil case. Yoke recognized who it was but she kept silent.After searching out evidence and clues, they found out Ella was behind this. Yoke begged the officers to not arrest Ella. Matthew and the other officers hesitated but obliged.The next day, Matthew went to Ladyboss to confront Ella. He told Ella that they found out she was the one behind the Blackmail and the Attack. Ella put through an act but deep down, fear consumed her.But Matthew told her the victim didn't want her to be arrested but if she does something to her again, they will take matters into their own hands. After that, Matthew left. Ella was very frightened and tempted to commit suicide.After a few days, Ella was about to commit suicide, but Matthew convinced her to stop. Ella was affected by Matthew's actions. Yoke and Shen absolutely shocked when they found out that Ella wanted to commit suicide.They went to Ladyboss the next day to meet Ella. They all sat down together, Yoke decided to forgive Ella on her action. Ella was surprised Yoke would forgive her after what she had done but thanked her for her kindness. After a few months, Ella attended their lovely wedding and met Matthew. They got appreciating each other and she congratulated Yoke and they all had happily life.

Main characters
Yoke Shelley
Shen Yang
Ella Loh
Matthew Quah
James Shelley
Ananya Davies
Louis Shelley

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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