the beginning

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No-one's pov

"INK WTF!!!" A Young Skele girl Shrieks at another Skeleton.
"Pffft-ahahhaa!!" The Skeleton Ink laughs falling over. The girl pouts.
Ink laughs and picks her up and tickles her. "Ahhh!! Inky nuuu!!"
"Inky yus"
A skeleton with A crown appears "ink we have to go"
"Awww nooo"
Ink sighs
"Sorry painty..."
The girl hugs ink
"Come back soon?"
"I promise"
The Skeleton with a crown opens a portal. "See ya painty!"

10 minutes later

Another portal opens

"Inky is that you?"
"Not ink"
"W-who are you?!"
"Your worst Nightmare"
The girl summoned a pen but it was caught by strings. Then everything went black.

ERROR- "what should we do?"
Nightmare "use her as bait"
Horror- "can I eat her?"
Killer-"we need her alive"
Dust-"let's use her as bait for the star Sluts"

Painty's pov
Why does my head hurt? Why can't I See? Where am I? "Ink? D-Dream? B-Blue?!"
Why does it smell weird?
"Good you're awake~"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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