Changing of Wills

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AI Football GGO Short By: Lyra Anna Ly

Disclaimer: AI Football GGO series, characters, and affiliations are not owned by me. The series in its entirety is made by Puzzle Animation Studio Ltd. This is a work of fiction, and the While the plot and most of the characters are my own, others are not. Timmy, Isaac, Karl, Cat, and Shawn are not my own creation. Neither is the name Arima which comes from Your Lie in April, but is only briefly mentioned here.  This story was made entirely for fun,and is in no way linked to the creator or original source material. I hope that you all enjoy it.


Maya Lirose was a top tier Technological Master, proving herself time and time again to be a more fitting person to take the company than her older brother, Kion. Everything she had done, all that she had studied for, Emberlyn Zhao was bursting with pride for her dear friend. Each and every one of the Next Generation Business owners knew how hard she'd worked to achieve this, and just how hard it was for a girl to make it in the business world.

However hard it was for them though, it was five times harder for Maya, since the general audience of Video Games still tilted towards being a man's domain. Boys played it, and while there were girls who participated in some games, the dominance of the male population in that section was still obvious.

It didn't matter though, because this party wasn't to discuss why it had been so hard for them to put her up there. This was a changing of will's celebration, and judging by the way Kion was sulking and popping off at everyone who talked to him, they'd more than won.

"This place is so..." Sophie started, trailing off as she realized she didn't really have a word to describe it.


The brunette had been exceptionally pampered when she arrived at the Zhao family house, forced straight into the bath which had several cleansing salts already in it. Emma had told her to go ahead and take a bath, then put on the simple white sunflower dress she had.

Once she'd gotten out, Emma had taken her hair and curled it to perfection. Soft brown curls that bounced with each step, held in place by what had felt like a hundred little bobby pins poking at her skull, but no longer sent pain into her head. Her hair taken care of, Emma diligently filed her nails, and put on a clear layer of polish, a base coat she had said, before adding three layers of light pink, another layer of clear for the topcoat, and calling it a day.

The same treatment had been given to her feet, and then Emma had ushered her into a small, massaging chair, and placed her feet on another machine with the same purpose. She'd weighed the girls face down with some sort of face mask, and covered her eyes with cucumber before going to take a bath herself.

Emma then did the whole thing for herself minus the nails, massage, and mask.

"Why didn't you do it?" Sophie had asked.

"I did. Yesterday." Emma said, showing the girl her nails. "I barely have time to do this whole thing myself sometimes, I was completely ready to do all of this for you. Last time I woke up late, it was game over and my parents left me at home."

With that, she'd taken two dresses out of her closet, laying them both down on her bed. The design on the pink one was light and elegant. Long sleeves had small diamond hearts at the shoulders. Once the dress was on, carefully pulled up so she wouldn't mess up her hair, Emma got to work turning her face into a canvas of pinks, whites, and reds. Her own face was done up in darker reds, her emerald green eyes popping in contrast, and her dress was a deep red with a golden dragon wrapping around till it's head rested on her shoulder. The dragon started from the belt and looped twice around her.

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