Please Don't Leave Your Writer Alone!

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Congratulations! You've earned the trust and friendship or your writer! Remember, this is a very hard thing to do, and your writer needs a lot to survive. Check back tomorrow for more things your writer might need!

She is bored and impatient, and hates to be left alone. Between you and me, I think she might be a bit clingy. If you love your writer, you're going to have to take good care of her.


Day 1

Please Don't Leave Your Writer Alone!

Lilith hadn't been expecting her new writer to be so horribly attached to her when she got there. Lilian was supposed to be a state of the art, fresh out of college, writing fanatic. Really, if anything she thought the girl would be unapproachable and lively based on the way her classmates had talked about her. The girl had been fine when her friends had escorted her here and helped her unpack.

After they left however, she'd written a few words and passed out on the bed. Lilith had been worried at first, and spent a few hours trying to figure out what was wrong with her, but when she was paying attention to Lilian, the girl was fine, and casually wrote while holding conversation. Lilith talked about how everything here worked when there were long stalls in the conversation, and Lilian would keep working.

The moment she had left, however, it seemed like Lilian lost any and all motivation to work on her masterpiece. She started throwing a ball against the wall for a few moments, and then switched to flicking through Netflix. When she couldn't find anything, she threw her phone into her pillow and glared at her computer for a minute before going to raid through the fridge for a 'snack'. Was this how they usually were?

Lilith wrapped her writer in a blanket, handed her a mug of hot chocolate, and sat down beside her to read. Lilian started working again.

"How come you only work when I'm in here?" She asked, after an hour or two of non-stop typing.

"I don't know." Lilian answered vaguely. "Maybe you just help me get the ideas flowing."
Lilith let the conversation hang there for a moment, watching Lilian from over the top of her book as the woman continued typing out her paragraph. Finally, Lilian stopped, linking her hands together and switching her gaze to Lilith.

"I don't think that's it." Lilith said, but she didn't elaborate, didn't think she could elaborate much. Lilian seemed to think on it briefly, her eyebrows scrunching together as she sucked her lips between her teeth. Her eyes narrowed a bit, maybe she was studying the person she was going to be staying with. Lilith's head tilted to the side, questioning.

"I don't-" Lilian started, but stopped in an effort to find the right words. "I don't do well when left alone."

Lilith nodded, closing her book and setting it down on the desk that Lilian was writing on. "Well that makes sense, I guess."

"No, it doesn't." Lilian commented. "My mind just tends to wander and overthink the quiet."
Lilith smiled, pulling her writer up and towards the door. "Well I don't know about you, but I think some food will do us both some good right now."

"Maybe." Lilian admonished, following her away from the desk and towards the kitchen.

Sincerely, Your WriterWhere stories live. Discover now