Part 2 Harry Styles Smut !

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"I know that you and Harry have been friends for a while now and I don't want to ruin the friendship but I just don't want anything to, you know, 'go down'" he said with an almost embarrassed look on his face. "Dad," I started off, a little annoyed, "there is nothing going on between me and Harry, how many times do we have to explain it to you?" I nearly yelled but calmed myself quickly, god I wish anger issues were never invented. "I know but you know at this age, young people always tend to get all hormonal an-" before he could say much more me and Harry quickly started gagging childishly "ewww daaaad! I'm not having this conversation with you!" "Please can you just understand that there is definitely nothing that is going to happen between me and your daughter" Harry chimed in, looking a little embarrassed from what my dad had just said.

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