Chapter 1: Whos that fucking hottie?!

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Cambria POV:

I awake for another day at school not knowing that this day will be far from normal!
Theres a hot, sexy new kid in town and hes hot as FUCK!

I walks into school hearing chatter about this new dude. "Hey whats up fuckface!" says my bestfriend, Jacey, "You hear about this new dude?! People say hes hot AS FUCK!". I reply saying "Yea i heard a lot of chatter about him. Do you think hes really that fucking sexy?!" I say hoping that maybe I can finally get another boyfriend!

"DUDE THE BELL FUCKING RANG WE ARE GONNA BE LATE!" says Jacey. We run to class in a hurry and I see someone kinda hot in our class. I've never seen him before but MANNN is he hot!
My teacher intruduces him as the new kid. His name is Wallbert Wallington! He also sits right next to me!!! [This is my chance to talk to this sexy ass motherfucker!] I think as I am  biting my pencil seductively!

When class ends he comes over to me and says "Hey! Im Wallbert! Whats your name?". I blush a little. [Hes way hotter up close!] i think to myself. "H-Hi my names Cambria!" I say shyly while blushing. "Thats a cute name!" Wallberts says while smirking seductively, "I know we just met but do you maybe wanna go on a date?". I scream internally while blushing like crazy. [THIS IS MY CHANCE] i think to myself. "YES I WOULD LOVE TO!!- I- I mean yea totally whatevs" I say awkwardly. "Okay so is Saturday 3pm at the Cafe on South St. Good for you?" Wallbert says with a sweet smile. "Yea thats good!" I say.

[IM SO EXCITED!! I cant wait for this date!] I think to myself.

                         {TIME SKIP TO 8PM}

After I took a steamy shower I call Jacey. "Hey bitch guess what!" I yell into the phone. "What?" Jacey says in annoyance. "WALLBERT ASKED ME ON A DATE!!" I say flailing my arms up and down. "BRUHHHHHHH WHAT IF HES PLAYIN YA??!" Jacey says with suspicion, "Like he could be a murderer. I think you shouldn't go..". I talk back with annoyance and say, "Okay yea sure. He's too sweet to do that!". Jacey sighs, "Dont come crying to me when he murders you!". I hang up the phone and go to bed.

chapter 2 will hopefully be out shortly!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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