Chapter 1: Hit Me With Your Best Shot

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Shut the Door, Turn the Light Off

Erica Hahn needed a friend. Callie Torres helps.
After Erica, Callie & Mark agree to go for drinks at Joe's together.
Sharing A Bed. Calica. Rated T.
Canon Tag - "Crash Into Me - Part 2", Season 4 Episode 10

Chapter 1: Hit Me with Your Best Shot

Voiceover - Meredith Grey's Voice: Sometimes you never know that moment. The one moment or one decision or one night that changed your life and was the beginning of everything. But sometimes when you look back at that moment you can see it then, clear as day. The moment you fell for someone. And they had already fallen for you too. And you were falling for each other. Slowly. You were falling slowly.

Erica Hahn needed a friend. She was new at Seattle Grace hospital and she didn't have anyone to talk to. She ruled out the chief because he was her boss. She had ruled out all the junior residents and interns because she didn't like brown-nosing. And so that left her with the attendings. Derek was wrapped up with Derek and the others seemed off in their own world.

The only one of the attendings who had ever spoken to her other than McDreamy was Dr. Sloan who made a pass at her at every turn. She couldn't say she wasn't flattered at the attention. And she couldn't say he wasn't attractive either, he was. But she wasn't looking for a relationship, she was looking for a friend.

Her and Sloan's last words to Sloan went like

"What are we on a date here Sloan I was complimenting your surgical technique not looking for a window into your wounded soul"

And subsequently brushing off Mark's attempts at getting her to wait and watch the rest of his work.

And there was this girl, a girl who caught her eye and smiled at her and smiled at patients. Dr. Torres from orthopedics. She was beautiful. Erica could tell she was beautiful. And she just loved the way she walked and talked and relocated bones.

It was hot. Sexy. Shoot where did that come from? Did Erica just say to herself she thought a senior resident was sexy? And a woman no less? And was it because she laughed when she rejected Sloan again or was it something more?

She gave her mind a break from the "sexy" debate and realized she still craved the girl's presence and wanted her to like her. She would peer at her surgeries and see her in the halls. She only once got up the nerve to talk to her and it had to be in front of Mark Sloan.

"I know this is going to sound bizarre, I realize at this point that this is going to sound bizarre but any chance you people want to get a drink with me?" She tried to appear defeated and casual.

"Why would we want to do that?" asks Mark, who is still frustrated at being snubbed by Dr. Hahn.

"She's saying she needs a friend," says Callie, translating.

"Okay fine let's drink," says Mark.

"You won't hit on me?" says Erica.

"I can't promise that," says Mark.

"If I say please," says Erica.

"He still can't promise that," says Callie.

"Fine," says Erica.

And they're off.

Callie CRUSHES Erica Hahn at Darts.


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