Chapter 1

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Picture of Auburn above. Her name is Dina Denoire.

     Crouched down by the piano is where I sat. Holding my stomach in place so it doesn't fall apart, I took a couple deep breaths. I lowered my hands to the floor and got in a crawling position. I knew I needed to leave in case they came back. My phone started to ring in the other room. It was probably my mom checking up on me. I should've been back by now well actually I should've gotten back a couple hours ago. If I could just get to my phone and answer it then someone could come and get me. However, there was no way I could just walk past my dead boyfriend and call someone to come get me. Even if I got the courage to go over there, I'm not sure my legs could make it that far. Jelly. That's what my legs felt like at the moment.
     My vision was going blurry, my throat stung from screaming and crying so hard for so long. When the first bullet hit Jamals body, I knew he was as good as dead. The only people who knew we were here were Me, Jamal, Jamals mom, and my mom.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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