Chapter 1- Last First Day

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The sound of my alarm rang through my phone, I jumped straight up and checked the time after switching my alarm off.

"7:30, Shit!" I scream as I realise I set off the wrong alarm and was an hour behind what I thought I would be. I change and ran downstairs and swiped food into my bag as I heard the front door open and two people laughing about who knows what, I turn to see my friends Daniel and Phillip but we just call them Dan and Phil because that's easier, they walk into my kitchen. Dan saw I was a bit rushed and asked if everything was ok while Phil just turned away and played with my dog Russell.

"Yeah I'm fine, you guys ready for your first day of your last year of education?" I said it really fast and made them had to re-process what I had just said to them because it was a long train of words.

"You could just say first day of year 12 but hey, if that's easier for you, by all means go by it" Dan defends.

"Y/n, promise me by the end of the year you and Joe will be together." Phil says turning his attention away from my dog. Joe was my first crush, he was my friend since first day of 7th grade. He used to hang out with us all the time, Dan and Phil always thought I had a thing for him and to be honest, they weren't wrong.

I smile to myself and remember all the fun times I had with him and all the amazing things about him that attract me to him, but then remember that he doesn't really banter with me like he used to since he met Rachel. That bitch I swear, she is the most backstabbing girls I've ever met. Like she reminds me so much of Regina George it's not even funny.

"What are you thinking about y/n?" Dan asks as he looks up from his phone and sees im lost in thought thinking that she will most likely end up with him. I don't say anything, I look up and they catch on.

"Y/n, forget her, look you're 18, you are at the age where it's not like primary school relationships, this is the time shit gets real" Not going to lie, Dan has a point, I just hope he is that mature to go for the right one and I hope that right one is me.

Walking to school was a blur, yeah, I know I really like mean girls don't judge. My two rats kept planning what sort of content they will make for their YouTube Channel they have planned while I continued to get lost in thought about Rachel and Joe and how they actually would make a better couple than me and Joe. I didn't really talk to the boys on our walk because I knew the more, I would talk about it, the more likely I was to cry.

I walk to my locker away from the boys saying I'll see them in homeroom, to be honest I think they know I'm on the verge of breaking down. I open my locker and first thing I see on my locker door, a photo of me and Joe. I start to tear up seeing how happy he was but realise we are not the same.

It hurt.

I look around holding the photo to my chest and see it happen. Joe up against her locker, saying something making her laugh, that laugh made me cringe, but I look to him and see him smiling at her. She made him smile y/n not you. I couldn't take it, I run to the bathroom still holding the photo. I slam the door quickly and just fall to the floor crying thinking 'please don't go'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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