The Meeting

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We see Rose sitting in her room watching a ghost hunting show. Then, she gets an idea, an idea of making her own ghost hunting team.

Rose: "it's gonna be great idea! Let me call my people."She calls two girl that she knows. Her best friend Kiyomi and her big sister Kotoko and tells them about her plan and they immediately agree to her plan.

Later, the trio arrived at a spooky old mansion that has been abandoned for years.

Kotoko: Wow.. this place is spooky.

Kiyomi: Yeah.. like it's really spooky you sure you like we will really find ghost?

Rose: Yeah! Let's get it started!

*they all go inside the mansion*

The place looked dark and eerie on the inside as it is in the outside, there were dust and cobwebs all over and there were sheets covering the furniture.

Kiyomi: Damn what if we find cute ghost?

Kotoko: I doubt that's ever gonna happen.

Rose: Guys! Come See!

*a stumble upon a huge painting of two cyclops brothers and a short lizard with a helmet on his head. At the bottom the painting a tag shows "The Mansion of the Barons*

Rose, Kiyomi and Kotoko have heard rumors that the mansion is reported to be haunted by the ghosts of five mysteriously evil barons that have been terrorizing and scaring away trespassers for years. Unknown to the three, a round octopus-like shadow was watching the three and quickly vanished before the girls could even notice.
Kiyomi: So like is it just me.. or i'm falling for that lizard baron..

Kotoko and Rose: the two brothers for us..

Rose: How about we split up to cover some more ground?

*the girls agreed and all girls split into different parts of  the mansion*

Rose is walking down the corridors, looking for a ghost. Then, she heard a ghostly moan.

??? (voice): (eerily) Wooooooooooooooooooo... Wooooooooooooooooooo... Tuuuuuuuuurn baaaaaaaack...

Rose becomes confused and looks around. However, there was no one there. She kept hearing the moan as it for louder and spookier.

Rose: Come out and show yourself! *she keeps looking in all directions*

Rose: Who are you? *she said blushing*!
???: Oh... (clears his throat and resumes talking in a ghostly voice) IIIIIIIIIIII am the ghooooooost of the Aaaaaaaammo Barooooooon and IIIIIIIIIII am one of the spirits of the fiiiiiive barons that haaaaaaaunt this mansion for aaaaall eternityyyyyyyyy... Wooooooooooooooooo...

Rose: You know your can talk to me regularly. *she looks at him*

Ghost!Ammo Baron: (talks in a normal tone and blushes) Oh yeah, right. Anyway, I'm the ghost of Ammo Baron and I'm one of the spirits of the five barons that haunt this mansion through all eternity. Sorry, I was trying to be scary.

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