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it's 3:13 am and i wrote this only half awake so please excuse any mistakes

also this is totally not based on my relationship hahahahahahahhahaihatemyself


"I like you."

When those words appeared on your screen, you didn't know exactly how you felt.

You knew he liked you. You knew you liked him back.

But would everything turn out okay? Were you both too young for this kind of thing?


Your brain had said no that day. But no matter how many logical reasons your brain created against being with him, your heart said yes.

And from then on, it was an everyday thing. Although to the others it seemed like not much had changed, to you and Josuke, it was trying to act normal around Koichi, Okuyasu, and Yukako daily.

The two of you hadn't ever shown affection in person, much less been on a date. How could your relationship with him even be considered dating if you hadn't gone on a godforsaken date?

It was like falling in love with someone online. But paired with the unease of having not said a single word about it to each other in person.

Both of you were aware of it, too. "I wish that I was brave enough to show you affection in person." "I should interact with you more in person haha..."

Yep, it was just all online.

You'd known him for years. You and him were the best of friends, inseparable. But ever since you'd accepted his confession, everything had seemed so awkward.

Maybe it would be for the best if the two of you broke up, if it would at least save your friendship.

But at the same time, you felt like you might be ruining something that could happen in the future. As stupid as it might have sounded.

So you stayed.


Another day of school. Another day of pretending that nothing had happened with Josuke.

You lived near Yukako, so you two often walked to school together. You knew all about her infatuation with Koichi. Everyone knew, for that matter. It was hard for you to understand how she could be so open with her feelings for him. As much as you wanted to ask, you couldn't, not without telling her about your... relationship with Josuke.

So there you walked, beside her, in silence, staring down at the ground with a conflicted expression cast upon your face.

"Y/n, is there something bothering you?" Yukako's smooth voice cut through your train of thought. You looked up at her, a little impressed, yet scared, of how perceptive she was.

"Not really," You answered, looking back down and kicking aside a pebble. It brought another question to your mind. Why didn't you want to tell anyone about you and Josuke? Why couldn't you tell even Yukako, one of your closest friends?

"Ah... Well, tell me if anything's wrong. You just seem very distressed lately, and all of us are a little worried." Yukako said, with a gentle smile. You nodded slowly, thinking for a moment of whether you should tell her or not.

"Well... Actually... I guess there's ... something." You spoke hesitantly. Yukako tilted her head to the side.

"What might that be?"

You blinked a couple of times, looking around to see if Josuke was there, even if you knew he didn't live anywhere near the area you were in. It had become a habit. Looking for him in places he wouldn't be.

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