oh my god

130 8 14

i am so fucking sad yall

howd i go from the loser anime girl who was obsessed with dan and phil and yuri on ice to the fucking piece of shit clinically depressed whore ive become today

this shit is so sad

so welcome to life advice with tasha

life advice 1:

dont ever have sex.

1. ew thats nasty

2. pre marital sex is a biggie sinny omg

3. if youre like me and emotionally confused, no only will it leave you super horny all of the time but it will leave you emotionally attached with every partner you have

4. when those partners leave you, you become a big ass mess.

5. not only will they leave you with nothing, you WILL get caught by your parents and get grounded until youre 18

6. moral of the story is, dont have sex

me ranting abt my pathetic love life/ a seriesWhere stories live. Discover now