01: Arwin's Niece

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[Y/N] [L/N] walked into the Tipton Hotel with a suitcase by her side and a backpack on her back. If someone had told her at that moment, she would be in a world of hurt, both physically and emotionally. Where the physical hurt would come out sooner than she would have liked and the emotional hurt would happen sometime down the road. Now, the physical hurt came when she saw a football come at her and hit her in the face.

Now, the girl was twelve and very frail on the account that the football to the nose knocked her down. Two blonde boys covered their mouths in shock as they ran up to her along with Mr Moseby.

"Are you alright, miss? Sorry for the hooligans." Mr Moseby said as he helped her up to her feet.

She clenched her nose in her hand as she felt the iron-smelling, coppery feeling substance of her blood. "Yeah, I'm alright. I think I just have a bloody nose. Is it bad?" She took her hand off of her nose to show them to which Mr Moseby and the blonde boys flinched. "I'll take that as a yes. You're Mr Moseby right?"

"Yes, I am. How may I help you, young lady?" asked Mr Moseby as a Tipton employee came with a box of tissues and he took it from their hands and passing it to her.

[Y/N] took a few tissues to place on her nose. "Can you tell me where I can find my Uncle Arwin?"

"You're Arwin's niece?" one of blonde boys asked.

"We can show you where he is." the other blonde boy beamed.

Mr Moseby gave them a look, but shrugged it off. One of the boys took her suitcase and both of them lead her down to the basement where she saw a taped laminated sign that read Arwin Hochasuser-Hotel Engineer. [Y/N] sighed as the boys led her on in. Arwin looked to be just finishing up a new project before turning to the trio that appeared before him.

"Ah. Hello, Zack, Cody. AH!! [Y/N]! You're here! My favorite niece!" Arwin reached towards the girl and gave her a big hug.

"Uncle... Arwin... can't... breath!" [Y/N] let out.

"Oh, sorry." he stood away from his niece and held out his hand for her to shake. She shook it, completely unnerved by her uncle's awkward nature. "I see you've already met Zack and Cody."

"Actually, no. I haven't. One of them threw a football at me hence the bloody nose." she gestured to the bloody tissues in her hand.

One of the blonde boys scratched the back of his neck which made the girl know it was him that threw the football that gave her the injury she would be having. For about a chapter more. "Yeah. Sorry about that. I'm Zack. Zack Martin. And this is my brother-."

"Cody. I'm Cody." the other blonde boy interrupted his twin brother extending a hand out to her for her to shack.

"I'm [Y/N]. Arwin's niece." she shook his hand with a smile on her face. "I'll be staying for the indefinite future. It's nice to meet each of you." she turned to Zack to frown at him. "Some of you less than others."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2021 ⏰

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