Albert "Weasel" Arlington

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Rejection Hurts. But It's Not the Worst it, Albert? What really hurts is... to be ignored. You Know how that feels better than anyone, Don't ya? Sure they want your skills, your expertise, but only on THEIR terms. They Don't care what else you have to offer. How Different you could be..if only they noticed you. Is that why you lie to them? Why you promise things you can't deliver? Be careful Al, one day your promises may comeback and bite you. Are You scared Al? You Should be. If they dont already suspect you they will soon. And Then what? What Will you do when the truths revealed, when your whole house of cards comes tumbling down. Will you confess, or will you run? Where will you run Albert? All around the mulberry bush? There's Nowhere to Run... nowhere to hide... You know there's only one way this is gonna End Al. Poor...Poor...Weasel.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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