Chapter 1: Lucky Charm

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Marinette's eyes jolted open as she heard her alarm go off. The beeping sound echoed around the walls of her mind, making her groan in agony.

She slammed it off and laid in bed for a couple of minutes.
"Don't even think about falling back asleep young lady!" yelled her mother from downstairs. Marinette let out another groan before getting down from her bed. She opened her wardrobe and grabbed random clothes before walking into the bathroom and changing.

Once she was fully awake, she looked down at what she chose. A black jacket with a white t-shirt and pink cropped leggings.
"I s'pose it will do," said Marinette, as she let out a loud yawn. She brushed her teeth and sauntered sleepily downstairs.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?" asked her mother with a smirk.
"You know full well how I slept. I spent half the night designing clothes and up until 4am finishing my essay. Then I went to bed and now at 6 I am awake. So you tell me, how did I sleep?" said Marinette, with a slight snap in her voice.
"Learnt your lesson?" asked Sabine.
"No," grumbled Marinette.

Sabine chuckled before wandering downstairs into the bakery. Marinette poured herself a bowl of cereal but poured orange juice in it instead of milk.

She looked down at the mess of a breakfast she made and sighed. She threw the food away and looked out of the window.
"It's going to be one of those days. I may as well skip breakfast," said Marinette sadly. Marinette trudged back upstairs and got her backpack.

She began packing her bag, when she heard her stomach grumble.
"I am really hungry. I won't be able to concentrate in class at all today. If only I had something... like a croissant," said Marinette sadly.

All of a sudden, a croissant appeared in her hand. She looked at it again. She rubbed her eyes and believed she was dreaming.
"Did I- what just... what?" gasped Marinette, rubbing her eyes harder. She looked at the clock and shrugged as she scoffed the croissant down and ran out the door. She had a couple of errands to run before school started.

She quickly ran to the shops and bought some flour and yeast and then ran back to the bakery and handed the ingredients to her parents.
"Thank you dear. And could you also deliver these macaroons to a Mister Fu," asked her mother. Marinette glanced at the clock.


"Where does he live?" asked Marinette.
"Um... here follow this address," said Sabine, handing her a piece of paper.

Marinette began running to the address and finally reached Mister Fu's address. She knocked on the door.
"Hold on!" came the reply. Approximately 5 minutes later, the old man came to the door and thanked Marinette.

She began her journey to school but picked up the pace when she saw the time was 8:32. She was already late for class.

"If only I could fly. I'd get there much easier," sighed Marinette, as she dodged several people. Beside her, a hot air balloon appeared. She stopped dead in her tracks and looked around.

"Did nobody see that? Absolutely no one? It just... it just appeared from nowhere!" shrieked Marinette. She shrugged it off and continued running to school.

When she arrived, she was met with an angry faced principal.
"I was expecting you," he said, folding his arms.
"Mr Damocles! I-I can explain," stammered Marinette.
"What is it this time? Yesterday it was that you had lost your alarm clock and so you woke up late. What is it today?" asked Mr Damocles.

If only I had an excuse note. He would never believe me.

She felt something appear in her hand and hoped that it was what she thought it was.
"I have a note from my parents," she said, pulling a piece of paper from behind her. She showed it to him and he read it.

"Fine. You're off the hook this time. Don't be late again. Now go on up to class," sighed Mr Damocles.
"Yes sir," said Marinette. Marinette ran up to class and apologised for her tardiness.

"Girl, What kept you this time?" whispered Alya as Marinette sat down.
"Errands. Something strange happened to me Alya," whispered Marinette as she got her books out.
"Spill the details," urged Alya in a whisper.
"I can create objects... just by thinking about what I need. For example, I was hungry so a croissant appeared in my hand. And also, I wished to fly to school and a hot air balloon appeared beside me. And when I needed an excuse note, one appeared in my hand," explained Marinette.
"So you have... superpowers?" scoffed Alya in a whisper.
"You don't believe me, do you?" asked Marinette sadly.
"Girl, we're not little kids anymore. You can't just pretend you have superpowers to be a hero and be Ladybug. You're not a hero and superpowers... no magic... doesn't exist," whispered Alya. "Now we need to focus on the class."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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