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if you check the bio thing on my profile you'll see the name of the new book ;)
half a heart - one direction

"What?" Noah and I say at the same time.

"I'll drive you." Ebony says. I turn to look at Noah and give him a small nod before walking to her. I have no idea why I'm doing this, but I am. Ebony has been nothing but awful to me, but something tells me to just go with her.

"Thank you." I whisper walking next to her, the two of us leaving Noah behind. 

We walk in silence to her car. I don't even know what to say. For all I know she could just be playing some stupid joke or something, but I can't go with Noah right now. If I did I'd say more words that I don't mean and I would just mess everything up more. But I did mean everything I said. We didn't even say anything hurtful to each other, but you can tell that we both are. This entire thing is such a mess.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Ebony quietly asks as we reach her car.

"Not right now." I say gently.

"Okay." She says and starts the car.

We drive along the forested road in silence, neither of us in the mood to talk. I still have no idea why Ebony would ever want to drive me home and I don't really want to know. I'm just glad she did. For once in my life I'm glad Ebony was there. As soon as I get home I need to see Jade and talk about it to her, she'd understand. As much as I love Noah, I don't want to see him right now.

Schnipper ♡

Noah: Where are you?

Y/n: Ebony's driving me home.

Noah: Okay, be safe.

Noah checking up on me put a little smile on my face, but I'm still not talking to him, not right now. I don't regret anything I said, I just regret bringing it up in the first place. If I had just let it alone maybe this wouldn't have happened. But he lied to me and that's not okay. Now that I think about it, I'm glad I asked him. This entire time I've been cheering him on and telling him that he'll get into NYU, so why would I get mad? He's just not making sense. Sure, long distance would be hard, but we'd get through it. What is he so scared about?

"Are you okay?" Ebony asks.

"Um, yeah, I am." I mumble.

"Do you still not want to talk about it, or.." She trails off, waiting for my answer.

"I guess it would be nice to talk about." I say nodding and looking out the window.

"What happened?"

"Well I found out that Noah got into NYU, which he's wanted forever, but he's been lying about it. So I asked him and he got all defensive saying he though I'd get mad even though I keep telling him how he's gonna get in and that I'm proud of him. Like, what sense does that make?" I spill, getting slightly angry.

"None." Ebony says shaking her head.

"Exactly! So then I was like why would I ever be mad and he just kept being like 'see this is what I'm talking about, look you're mad.' but like does he not realize it's because of him? He brought that upon himself, it's not my fault he lied." I say, mocking his voice. 

"You're totally right." Ebony encourages. 

"And he didn't even apologize. If he would've just said sorry then I would move on, but he just kept arguing. Ugh, this day was supposed to be fun, it's summer after all." I say, cooling down.

"He didn't apologize? Glad you got Noah and not me." She says, laughing.

"Oh my god." I say bursting out laughing. 

We sober up and I shake my head smiling. I never would have thought I'd be talking to Ebony Hastings about my boy problems, let alone laughing about it with her. Usually this is something I'd be doing with Jade or Luke, but I'm enjoying talking with her. It's refreshing.

"What were you doing up there all alone?" I ask.

"Oh I usually go up there every summer, it's so pretty. Usually I'd go with a friend or someone, but everyone was busy so I went alone." She says, switching lanes as we enter the highway.

"It is really pretty." I say agreeing with her. 


"Thank you, Ebony." I say getting out of her car.

"Anytime. And I'm sorry for, everything. I know I've been a terrible person to you for years." She says sincerely.

"Don't worry, you're good." I say with a smile and close her door.

As she drives a way I smile to myself. That entire car ride was so nice. We talked and joked like we've been friends for years. This is the first time she's ever apologized to me, and I actually believe her. Maybe she has finally changed or at least is trying. Either way I'm thankful she was there to drive me home. I haven't texted Noah since the start of the drive home, but I don't think I will until tomorrow.

"You're home, how was your hike?" Dad asks as I get inside.

"Good." I say and hug him before saying goodnight and going to my room.

When I get inside I change into some more comfortable clothes and lay in my bed, scrolling through my phone. 

Slim Jadey

Y/n: can you talk?

Jade: of course, call?

Y/n: yeah

"What's up Y/n/n?" Jade asks happily picking up the phone.

"Noah and I had a fight." I say quietly. The more I think about it the sadder I get. 

"Aw, are you okay?" Jade asks.

"Um, yeah, I just wanted to tell you about it that's all." I reply.

"Go ahead."

"Well I don't know what to really do. One of us needs to apologize and we need to talk about it, but I can't do that right now." 

"Was it really bad?"

"No, but we're both hurt, I think. Or at least I am. He lied to me about NYU for a long time."

"Sounds like someone I know." Jade says. Ouch.

"Sorry, not the time." She says laughing.

"No, you're right." I say laughing and brushing it off. 

"You should talk to him, you can't put it off forever." Jade says. She sounds exactly like Noah when he would try to get me to stop lying to Jade. 

"I know, it's just that I don't know what to say. I'll do it tomorrow, I guess." I mumble.

"Good idea. So how was the drive home?" Jade asks.

"Oh, I actually went with Ebony."

"What?" Jade asks. I can hear the utter confusion in her voice. 

"Yeah, it was nice. We talked about everything with Noah. She even apologized and I think she meant it. I think she's actually changed this time." I tell her.

"That's what Luke said and you know how that turned out."

"I think we should give her a chance, or at least I will."

"Well have fun with that."

"Mhm. Well, goodnight." I say laughing.

"Goodnight, Y/n/n." She says and hangs up the phone. 

a/n -

eXcUsE mE LiAm

<3 lilia

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