First day

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Mom- "y/n! Your going to miss the school bus!"
Y/n-" sorryy momm" *rushes down stairs*
Mom- "have a great first day sweetie!!" the sound of her saying that gets smaller as y/n runs out the door.
Y/n-"Im coming! I'm coming!" Y/n hops on the bus. She walks down the school bus to find that nobody had a seat next to them, so y/n went to the back and sat by herself the whole ride to school.
Bus driver- "ok ladies and Gents we have arrived, have a great day"
Y/n got off the school bus
Y/n- "gosh it's so big.. I'll never find my way around" Y/n walks over to the nearest teacher and asks, "excuse me sir, um.. can you help me find room 205?"
Mr Hanson- "well hi there, you must be new here"
Y/n- "actually yeah, I am. I just moved here from Pennsylvania"
Mr Hanson- "oh wow, well welcome to Washington! Let me show you the way"
Room 205
Mr Hanson-"here you are! By the way I'm mr Henson I'm the school counselor, so if you ever need help you know who to call!"
Y/n- "thank you very much"
Mr Henson- "your so welcome, have an amazing day y/n"
Y/n walks inside room 205 and finds a seat.
Whispers from people are all over, "look at the new girl!", "eww wtf".
Teacher- "ok class we have a new student, would you like to come introduce yourself?"
Y/n walks to the front of the class in silence
Y/n- "hi, my name is y/n, I moved here from Pennsylvania"
Teacher-"thank you y/n, we are happy to have you this year"
Whispers still go around as y/n sits down.
"Go back to were you belong" "fatass" "pig"
The school day went on and whispers continued.
Y/n Walked into the library and checked out a book to take her mind off things. She just can't get her nose out of the book and the worst happens.
Y/n- *bumps into a boy* "oh I'm so sorry I-"
She looks up to see a boy with a blue shirt on, ocean blue eyes looking up at her giving her her books
Louis- "oh I'm.. sorry" he says in his soft English accent.
Y/n- "I should have payed more attention, I'm sor-"
Louis Interrupts, "it's ok, no need to say sorry"
Louis- "I'm Louis, Louis Tomlinson, I'm an exchange student from England. Just got here last month. Weird question but, we're are all your friends?
Y/n- "i just moved here last week, first day, and Im not really looking for friends because I'm always moving, and I don't want that feeling of leaving them. I.. should get going"
Y/n reaches over to grab her books from Louis.
Louis- "what's that on your wrist?"
Y/n- "oh that's.. nothing"
She quickly pulls her sleeve back down and quickly walks away
Louis- "no goodbyes?"
Y/n- "I'll see you around"
She says off in the distance, worried he knows.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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