Tell me a Story

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"Hey mum, tell me a story!" Asked the child who was probably 6 years old.

"Sure thing sweetheart..." Replied the mother.

It was night time, daylight savings have ended 2 days ago. The creasent moon shined bright into the child's bedroom, the windows were slightly open making the nice fresh, cold air coming through and making the curtains fly slightly up of not making it touch the ground. The night was hot since it was summertime but the breeze kept the room nice and cold. A light was on, on top of a pair of draws and next to those draws was a bed with a child underneath the clean sheets snuggling a teddy bear that was special to them. The mother sat next to their child and gave them a smile, a small simple smile.

"This story was once been told to many folks in the city's and towns... But no one believed this story of which this old man told, they thought they were crazy because of age... The old greyish, white, hair man told me this story and I believed in him because I saw it with my own eyes!"

The boys eyes was glimmering like stars with a smile on his face. This boy believed that his mother was telling the truth of this tale of a story, because all 6 years old love to believe in almost every tale of the story.

Those eyes shined during the moonlight while the mother was telling the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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