fern petal w.i.p

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a grey tabby she padded through the fields of poppy's and grass as it brushed her legs as she dragged them forward in exhaustion. "fern petal!" yowled a tom from her far left, she flicked an ear and turned to a brown and white speckled tom. "what!" she called back akwardly as she stood in place staring at the tom. "actually go hunt!" he hissed at her then fern petal snickered, "you screamed from all the way to tell me to hunt!? haha real knowledge in that head of yours twig stripe!"  she called then continued to pad through the grass until she caught a flicker of brown fur and narrowed her eyes looking around until she saw it again and flung herself into a crouch creeping closer then began the chase running towards it and almost caught it but it noticed her quickly and began to sprint infront of her, she tried to quicken her pace just enough to grab it but she had to be patient, continuing to sprint after the hare then finally opened her jaws and impatiently leaped forward and snatching it up into her jaws and the new scent of fresh, warm blood filled her nose and she sighed digging a whole inbetween the sweet scented, red poppy's and buried the hare then kept looking for more prey to catch.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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