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The building came crashing down. All the Losers tried grabbing Richie to pull him out from the building that was collapsing. But Richie wouldn't go. Not without Eddie. The male yelled and screamed for the others to let him go, his eyes red and full of tears as he continued to scream more.


He yelled. Trying his best to scramble from the grip of the others. Their yells for him to come with them faded out into the background noise of the falling building. Richie ran over to Eddie. His almost lifeless body laid there as his chest gently rose and fell. Blood poured out from his side and the red of his blood covered his clothes. It made Richie's heart sink. Was he going to die? He had no idea, but he didn't want to leave him here. No way was he going to let that happen. Richie grabbed Eddie bridal style and pulled ran out with him. He let out shaky pants as he ran, calling for the other Losers to tell them that he had Eddie, but they didn't reply. Probably too worried about themselves. Ignoring their ignorance, Richie called them again until they all reached an exit, Beverly falling to the ground out of relief and the others were panting and shaking. Their palms sweating with fear but also triumph. They found it unbelievable that they all made it out alive. Well, apart from Eddie from the looks of the situation.

While they were all celebrating, Richie was ripping a part of his shirt off to cover Eddie's gaping wound along his side and stop the bleeding. His hands shaking as he wrapped the cloth around the large tear in his skin. Is he dying? Oh god Eddie don't die on me. Thought Richie helplessly as he tied a knot in the cloth around Eddie to keep it in place. His handing wrapping around his friend desperately. The ember haired woman got up, walked over to Richie and gently knelt next to him. Her hand rubbing his back gently, trying to comfort him as best as she could but it wasn't helping. Tears rolled down his cheeks in large droplets as he held the other man close to his body in sadness.

"Call an ambulance Bev."

Beverly froze slightly before hesitantly nodding. Was Eddie going to even survive? Tozier had no idea but he wasn't going to take any chances. If there was a chance that Eddie could live, he'd grab it with all his might. Richie placed his hand on Eddie's chest, making sure that he could still feel his chest rising and falling at its slow pace and he could which let him feel a little at ease but not a lot since they were still waiting for an ambulance and none of them knew how long it was going to take to get here.

In the distance, the sirens of an ambulance could be heard in the distance and it made Richie jump slightly but he instantly stood up with Eddie in his arms. A glimmer of hope in his eyes as the ambulance drove up to the group and Richie ran over. Tears till streaming down his freckled face as he begged for the medics to help the dying Eddie in his arms. His body shaking from fear that maybe they'll tell him it was too late to save him. That Eddie was already dead. But that wasn't the case, the medics took Eddie from Richie and put him onto the bed in the ambulance and Richie hopped into the ambulance and left the others. They watched as the medics started tending to Eddie before shutting the ambulance door and driving off down the road to the nearest hospital. They all watched in silence before Mike turned to Bev.

"Hey... do you think Rich will be alright?"

Beverly let out a tired laugh. It wasn't full of happiness, if anything if was full of worry and fear of Richie. Her skin grew goose bumps as she thought for a few moments before letting the words slip from her jaws.

"Why wouldn't he be? Eddie will be fine."

They all knew she was lying to them and herself. They all stood there in silence. Their minds racing with that what was going on and if they should go to the hospital now or later. Maybe they should go when they look a little better and not like they had just killed a murderous, child eating clown. They agreed to go to Mike's house and get cleaned up before going to find Richie and Eddie. They just all prayed that Eddie lives, or it'll wreck Richie. He will never be the same without his best friend in his life.

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