lets go home

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(the song up there is the song playing at prom)

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(the song up there is the song playing at prom)

— 🌙 —

it was that time of the year. it was that time of the year where every student at budogaoka high wouldn't stop talking about a certain event coming up -- prom. in some cases, only upperclassmen could attend these events but not here, not in morioh. alas, even the first years were excited for this as (name)'s entire class wouldn't stop talking about it.

the person who was the most excited for the event was none other than (name) herself. you see, she got asked by her crush the night before who went by the name of saiko nanase. girls left and right were worshipping him because of how much of the "star student" he was. while being president of the school's baseball team to even being class president, he was.. perfect in (name)'s eyes with his golden locks and twinkling brown eyes. she still felt confused from why he asked her of all people to the school's most hyped up event, and she still had her doubts since the two of them have only had a few discussions here and there. all that mattered to her at the moment was that she was happy as the two of them exchanged glances from their seats right next to each other.

(name) wasn't aware of her best friend glaring daggers at saiko so hard it'd burn a giant hole through his uniform. from across the classroom sat an angered and jealous josuke higashikata, who's had a giant crush on the (hair color) haired girl for god knows how long. josuke was going to ask the oblivious (name) to prom, but saiko just had to beat him to it. he felt mad at himself for not speaking up sooner, and he felt terrified that his crush and the blonde haired bastard were going to grow even more in terms of relationships. okuyasu noticed this, and so did koichi. just before class started, okuyasu wanted to see if josuke was feeling alright since he noticed josuke looked distressed.

"hey man, you okay?" okuyasu asked the pompadour wearing boy as he continued to shoot glares onto saiko, who was fully engaged in a conversation with (name) about god knows what. josuke let out a grumble which made koichi freak out just a little bit, and left okuyasu letting out a giant sigh.

"it's (name) isn't it?" okuyasu figured that much -- he wasn't entirely stupid. he wasn't blind either, and he knows josuke. josuke put his head down on his desk and started speaking, but everything was muffled yet still clear.

"i was going to ask (name) to prom but that damn saiko.."

koichi felt bad for josuke, so did okuyasu. they knew how hard he fell for their beautiful friend, even if she was closer with yukako than the two of them. they mainly knew because of the time they fought rohan kishibe, but it was still extremely obvious. josuke's bad feeling about prom only grew even more along with his jealousy of his best friend talking up a storm with her crush. one thing was for sure other than his feelings for (name) -- josuke higashikata despised saiko nanase. he hated saiko more than rohan, and that's something you usually don't hear every day. he hated whenever (name) would talk about him, but not because it was annoying -- well, just a little. josuke knew damn well about his friend's crush, and he felt upset that it wasn't josuke himself. of course, he didn't want to ruin what the two of them had since they've known each other way before they met okuyasu and koichi. they were longtime neighbors and as each and every day passed by, he really couldn't avoid falling for her.

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