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Fire. The fire was coming closer and closer, it's intoxicating flames and smoke suffocating me. i smiled, this was it.
i felt a hand touch my shoulder, then blackness surrounded me. God I wished I was dead.

I awoke with a gas mask on my face, people a doctor standing above me. He was taking me somewhere, but my vision was too blurry to make out anything and the ringing in my ears was too loud to let me hear anything.
I blacked out again.

I opened my eyes, the ringing was gone and his vision cleared only slightly, I turned to my side I didn't know where I was. I felt someone come up to me but I could only make out a color, gray. "Lyra?" I asked my voice scratchy and horse, "Get some sleep." And with that I blacked out again.

I awoke, this time i jolted up, and I remembered everything with no trouble, where the fuck was I?! I looked around frantically until I saw a window. I ran over and looked out of, I was on the first floor, so I could sneak out without making too much- "I wouldn't go out. C'mon hun, you need rest." I frantically shook my head, turning to see a girl with a dirty white jacket "Nuh-No! Huh-Who are you?! Who are you and wu-why am I not dead?!" I yelled, tearing up. There was a lump in my throat that threatened to release my sobs. "Sit down and I'll explain everything," she said sitting down next on the bed that I woke up in. I shook my head once more, "Luh-Let me out!" I yelled backing up into the window, the girl shook her head, "We can't do that. Toby you're a wanted murder! You killed your father and set fire to the neighborhood killing at least two others!"
"Thu-Then let me fuh-fucking die."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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