When fate meddles in

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Chapter two

Later that week, when they were on the plane to Mauritius, she couldn't help smiling as she looked at him. He had dozed off and looked so handsome and peaceful in his sleep. She knew she was lucky to have a man like him as her fiancé. He was the opposite of her first husband.

Where the latter was selfish and violent, Jerry was attentive and romantic. He was always offering her gifts. Yet, even if he was a good man, she was not as madly in love with him as she had been of her first husband. Bethany sighed. She didn't know why she kept thinking about him. She hated him more than she had loved him.

Bethany was determined to take the opportunity she had during that trip to get to know Jerry better. He asked her in marriage a few weeks ago and she agreed. In a few months they would be married.

She could not help the large smile on her face as she walked in the lobby of the hotel where they were going to stay for the next two weeks. It was large and beautiful, with the reception on one side and the seating area on the opposite side. They were welcomed by a beautiful young woman of Indian origin.

She was the receptionist. She talked to them nicely as she led them to the front desk. After having checked in, she and Jerry went to their respective rooms. Bethany took her time admiring the beautiful room before she unpacked her things. She felt tired, but she had to go outside to take advantage of the beach and sun.

She put on a beach dress and went on the beach without a second thought. She sat on the sand and took in a deep breath. She instantaneously felt more relaxed. It was amazing how nature always seemed to have a soothing effect on her. Since she lived in California, she had the chance to go to the beach whenever she wanted.

Each time she felt sad she would go to the beach and just sit there and admire the sea for ages. She was lost in thought when she felt a presence next to her. She opened her eyes, feeling annoyed at whoever it was for disturbing her, but she smiled broadly on seeing Jerry.

He had sat next to her. He was wearing a blue t-shirt and black shorts.

'A penny for your thoughts,' he said.

'I was thinking about the amazing effect that nature has on me; each time I am in front of the sea, I feel so relaxed,' she answered him.

'I prefer to be at the mountain, but I must confess that ever since I have gone to live in California, I have learned to like the sea,' he said. She put her head on his shoulder. She felt so at peace.

'I am happy about that. It means that when we get married, we will not have fights about whether we should go to the beach or the mountain,' she said with a smile. He smiled at what she had just said.

He took her hand in his and toyed with the ring he offered her when he asked her in marriage several weeks ago. Their relationship was quite new, and he was astonished that she accepted his marriage proposal so easily. He was totally in love with her. If it was only for him, he would have already slept with her, but she had principles and she wanted to get married first.

He was astounded that there were still people who thought like that, but when she told him what kind of education she had, he understood. Her parents were very conservative and were fervent Christians, so she was raised strictly according to Christian values. He loved her so much that he was ready to wait if that was what she wanted. They stayed huddled in each other's arms until falling dusk.

After dinner, they walked to their bedrooms hand in hand. They stopped in front of her room. Jerry just did not want to sleep away from her. He bent his head and kissed her softly at first, but then he took her face between his hands and deepened the kiss.

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