Part 1 🌸

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Good morning Kayano, he said with his joyful smile as he took a seat in front of me. I greeted him back like what we always do in the morning. But something tells me he forgot something.

Suddenly he looked up to me with his shocked expression, I guess he did forgot about it but it looks like he realised about it. "Kayano or Akari?" he mumbled to himself, because he was mumbling I pretend to not notice him looking at me and started pouring hot tea in my cup. I sipped the hot tea slowly to not burn my tongue but I can't relax myself because I can feel arrows piercing me from Nagisa who kept on staring at me while mumbling. I wish someone is here to break up the awkwardness. Good morning to my two lovely buddies, Akari and Nagisa, said a red head as he took the seat beside Nagisa. Nagisa and I greeted Karma who looked like a person trying to rob the bank- eh I mean a person who run the banks. So what are we having for breakfast? Asked Karma as he poured tea for himself, there's pancakes if you want or do you want to eat eggs and bacons instead? I replied.

Oh no need, I'll have three pancakes please, Karma said as he pointed his three fingers. I looked at Nagisa and asked what would he like for breakfast, without a second thought he said he will have the same as Karma's.

You readers must be wondering what's happening right now? So sit back and listen what I'm about to tell you
This happened after we took entrance exam to college, somehow me and Okuda meet Nagisa and Karma at the college grounds.

Okuda and I were sitting at the bench under the big shady tree, while we were chatting someone suddenly called out our names. It was Karma and beside him was Nagisa. After junior high we all separated except Okuda attend the same high school as I am, seeing them after so long makes me feel amazed of how different (not so) they look like from back when we're the same class. Karma glowed up revealing his masculine jawline and Nagisa became taller than me but his hair is not as long as I remembered, he cut his hair short.

We exchange greetings and the two gentlemen offered us to have lunch with them at a restaurant nearby. Of course we agree to it. As we talked about our days in high school suddenly Okuda brought up a topic which blew our minds.

"Hey guys how about we all stayed under the same house?" she said with her eyes gleaming

I chocked on my lemon ice tea after hearing her question, she always bring surprises. Karma looks awfully calm despite the situation we are in and Nagisa he stood there frozen.

"Eh~ staying in the same house? What do you mean by that Minami?" said Karma as he come closer to Okuda who sat in front of him.

Am I the only one screaming internally right now?! He literally brought his face closer to Okuda, is he trying to seduce her?? Or he did that without that intention but why did my oblivious friend didn't react to his actions... Okuda can be so clueless sometimes but that what makes her cute (according to the boys from high school)

"Oh because...... Here look at this" said Okuda as she took out her phone and showed the three of us about the conversation she had with her uncle.

Her uncle found an apartment near our college but it's expensive than the others because the apartment is huge and near city. The three of us in awe as she showed us pictures inside the apartment, it's simple but the everything is complete with furniture. She wasn't kidding when she said the apartment is huge, there are 4 bedrooms, a living room, a small kitchen and two toilets. If she were to rent it alone, she'll be lonely in that big house.

"So what you guys think?" she asked as she put down her phone

The first one to answer her question was Nagisa, I think it's a great idea since I was looking for a place near college, was what he said. Karma nodded and said that the both of them thought of apartment hunting after taking the entrance exams. Suddenly the three looked at me, I felt a small pressure hitting me by their stares.

"I have to ask my parent's permission about this, my parents would be worried if I didn't tell them where would I live and who I will staying with" I said as fiddling the straw in my drink

I can feel the aura of "Really asking your parents? You're an adult not a child" from them and slowly stabbing my mentality

The three of them sighed at the same time and the topic changes to what course we will taking in college.
And here we are, staying under the same roof. Okuda already went to class since she had morning class while the three of us had class in the afternoon.

After eating breakfast we all walked together to college, it's been so long since I felt this. The four of us will hang out after school when in junior high school, I didn't know we will do it again in college.

What a time to be alive living under the same roof with my first crush~ A childish crush but I don't know what will happen to this feeling, is it the same? Or will it grow?

Hi readers it's me your author who ghosted you all with the previous fanfiction. (Lol it sounds funny in my head)
Anyway thanks for reading and leave some comments or give me a vote if you like today's chapter.
Bye guys~

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