The Super Moon

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I'm approaching the open doors of the dining room when above the scents of bacon, ham and whatever else is cooking... HER. She stops me dead in my tracks and I'm no longer making progress towards Markus' office. I take another step towards the doors so I can see her – that's when I notice Trevor is there too. He is such a whore – there is literally no tail he won't chase.

Except this one. No. Fucking. Way.


With college graduation in our rear-view mirror, my best friend Jaime and I hit the open road. I had nothing planned in the immediate future except pounding the pavement for job interviews, and Jaime didn't start his internship at the law firm until next week. We met in high school and had once given a romantic relationship a try, and in spite of the sex being the best I have had – the strain it had put on our friendship was proving to be too much and we agreed mutually that good sex was easier to find than the bond we had with one another, so that's what we stuck with. I have no regrets in the 3 years since and he is my soulmate in the sense that he knows he inside and out – cheers me when I'm sad, celebrates my highs and supports me in my lows. I like to think I'm there for him too whenever he needs me – there is nothing I wouldn't do for this man – short of getting back into bed with him. He is in full agreement.

We have no destination in mind, no hotels booked – just Jaime's trust fund in the bank and the open road ahead of us. He hits the cruise control; I turn up the stereo and away we go!

Jaime and I meander our way along the California coastline, going nowhere fast, meeting people along the way and partying as we go. He hooks up casually a few times, but not one for one-night stands, I continue sleeping alone. We stay in nice hotels (and I still had the misfortune of hearing him and his current conquest on more than one occasion through the wall – not my idea of a great evening!) but overall, I have the time of my life. Our friendship grows stronger and it feels like I have no worries in the world.

With only two days left in our mutual journey before he would have to head back home and to reality, we came across an overlook and decided to pull in and stretch our legs. The day was just starting to come to an end, so the hints of shades other than hot orange and yellow were beginning to appear in the sky. Jay and I walked over to the fenced edge to take in the view – below us was a large valley lined with wine orchards as far as the eye could see, but I felt my eyes drawn further up higher on the hillside to where I could just make out some faint lights from what appeared to be some sort of either large campground, or resort hidden in the trees.

"Jaime – over there. Check that out." I pointed where I was looking and he did as well.

"Pfft – looks like Hobo Town." He said, quickly dismissing me. Jaime is used to 5-star hotels, first class resorts and servants waiting on him hand and foot – his Dad is a billionaire several times over, working in stocks. His Mom passed away before he and I met, succumbing very quickly to cancer when he was only 3.

Reaching over, I slap my hand across his chest in reprimand. He dramatically caves his chest in as if I were stronger than I am, making a large "oomph!" sound as if to mock me – pretending to fall backwards. I roll my eyes at him, turning back towards the view. "Ass." But I can't stop the smile creeping onto my face. I hear him laughing as he comes back to me.

"Yep. Don't forget the Hole. But I prefer Mr. Hole if you would." He says, straightening a pretend tie.

"I'll give you my foot for your hole dumbass!" I reply, turning to kick him right in the spot. Anticipating my move, as always, Jaime grabs my leg and quickly lifts me up into his arms. I squeal in protest yet laughing all the while. He's laughing too and in short turn, puts me gently back down onto my feet.

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