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The sun beat down heavily on the Glade, imbedding the smell of freshly turned dirt and green things into the nose of every Glader. Everything was quiet, peaceful, just how Minho liked it. He had just finished helping Newt after drawing up today's map, and his stomach was feeling pretty excited for dinner. 

Suddenly, the sound of a blaring alarm filled the air, startling the boy. After a long day of hard work everybody had forgotten that today was delivery day. They poured from all over the Glade and made their way over to the Box expectantly. 

As the doors slid open, Newt and Alby jumped down to help up the new Greenie. Out of the hole came peeking the head of the cutest boy Minho had ever seen. His combination of shaggy brown hair and honey eyes, wide open and innocent, certainly gave an impression. He struggled at first, but gave up eventually and allowed himself to be helped out of the Box. 

Feisty. I like that. 

Minho smirked to himself and made a note for later. As Newt and Alby finally succeeded in getting him to stand on his own, the Greenie bolted out from the circle of Gladers. Stunned silence followed, no one has ever done that before. Of course, the shock only lasted until the poor boy stumbled and face planted into the nearest tree. A boy next to Minho wolf-whistled, but Minho quickly elbowed him in the ribs. 

The kid must be pretty embarassed as it is, why make it worse. 

Newt limped over to help up the newbie, laughing. 

"Well Greenie, I almost thought you had the chops to be a Runner for a minute there. That is, of course, before you fell flat on your face."

More laughter erruppted, and the Greenie turned even redder. Struggling to his feet with Newt's help, he turned to look at his surroundings. 

"Come on, you shank. Let me give you the tour."

The Greenie followed Newt to the slaughter house, and Minho decided that he absolutely must introduce himself as soon as he possible can. With that final thought, he turned and made his way to the kitchen, just barely missing the curious gaze of amber eyes burning into his back. 

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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