Statists are Mean

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On a sunny, Sunday afternoon, Libertarian finished his daily walk in Ancapistan. His boyfriends: Hoppian, Minarchist, and Ancap always asked him why he insisted on walking through the beautiful city-state every day. He would always reply the same way; he just couldn't believe what a perfect place they had made. Never before had he felt so free to make whatever kind of deals or transactions he wanted. Never had he felt less treaded on. He entered the skyscraper that Ancap had bought and where they had moved in together. He made his way up to the penthouse on the top floor, and was immediately greeted with soft arguing from the other side of the room.

"I don't wanna go to the stupid convention. It's degenerate!" Hoppean groaned.

"You know you don't mean that Hopp." Minarchist replied. "Even if you don't wanna admit it, I know you love anime, and I do too. I think we'd have a really good time."

"Wha- what!" Hoppean exclaimed. "Who told you I liked anime?!" His cheeks we're getting super red. It was kind of adorable, Libertarian thought.

"Umm... The Sailor Moon bedsheets give it away a bit," Minarchist responded, clearly amused.

"That was just... to save money! Yeah," He responded, crossing his arms.

"Hopp sweetie, you're a multi billionaire. I doubt you couldn't splurge on super nice bedsheets if that's what you wanted," Minarchist responded, lightly rubbing his shoulder.

"Fine. I'll go to the convention with you, but only for your sake." Hoppean responded, loosening up a bit.

"Thank you honey. That's very generous of you." Minarchist winked at Libertarian. He knew Hoppean would never admit to actually liking it himself. 

"I've already ordered a maid to pack our stuff, and a chopper is on the way," Minarchist beamed.

"You two have fun," Libertarian called out and waved. They were already walking up to the roof.

Suddenly, he felt long arms wrap around him and someone whisper in his ear, "Looks like we have the building to ourselves for a couple of days." He would know that voice anywhere. It was the voice that made his eyes sparkle and his knees go weak. It was the voice that made it hard to focus on business, his favorite thing of all.

"Hi Ancap," Libertarian said. He felt a smile creeping on his face. Ancap bent down a little and rested his head on Libertarian's shoulder. Ancap was less than half a foot taller than him, but he would always make fun of him for being the shorter one. He would even wear platforms or heels occasionally, to accentuate his height.

"I missed you on your walk," Ancap remarked. He started swaying a little, with libertarian in his arms.

"I missed you too," Libertarian replied.

"Wanna watch a movie with me?"

"Of course"

They picked a movie and began to watch. Ancap leaned into Libertarian. He put his arm around Ancap. All through the movie he could tell that something was not quite right. Ancap was an incredible actor when he needed to be, for businesses deals and such, but when he wasn't acting, he was the easiest person to read in the world, at least for Libertarian. His hands got all clammy when he held them, and he seemed to cling to Libertarian extra tightly. Libertarian mostly ignored it, as maybe it was just the sad plot of the movie.

At the end of the movie, Libertarian could hear faint sniffles. He looked over to see Ancap trying not to sob into his hands.

"What is it dear?" Libertarian asked with a worried look on his face. With that, Ancap started uncontrollably balling.

"Shhh, it's ok. Please tell me what it is." Libertarian brought him into his lap, his hand rubbing his back.

This seemed to calm Ancap down a bit, at least enough for him to reply, "There- there's something I never told you, and it's been bothering me for a while. I guess the evil character in the movie brought it out of me," Ancap replied, still crying.

"Darling you can tell me anything. You know that," Libertarian responded. He began to pet his hair under his fedora.

"Libertarian, am I a terrible person?" He seemed genuinely afraid of the answer.

"No of course not!" Libertarian responded. "Why would you think something like that?"

"Before I came to rescue you from the centrists, I had conversations with both of the statists. Nazi called me a monster, and the commie said I was the worst person he had ever met." With that, he began to uncontrollably sob into Libertarian's chest once again. Libertarian was dumbfounded. How could anyone think such horrible things about his precious Ancap, let alone tell him that just to hurt him.

Ancap was his. He was his personal property. By damaging his property like this, the statists had violated the NAP. He began to grow angry. If he ever saw the commie or Nazi again, he was certainly going to launch a few recreational nukes their way.

"Ancap listen to me. You are one of the smartest, most talented, best people I have ever met. The fact that these sick statists would say such hurtful lies around you disgusts me. I love you more than anything. Don't listen to them darling. You're perfect just the way you are." Ancap nuzzled into him, his tears beginning to dry. Libertarian took his hat off and ran his fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp.

"I love you" Ancap said, a bit muffled through Libertaian's suit jacket.

"I love you too" Libertarian cooed, and with that, they fell asleep on the couch, Libertarian holding Ancap.

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