But First.....

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DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own anything from the Chronicles of Narnia, because that all belongs to the great man himself, C. S. Lewis. I do, however, own Katy and Hannah as they are my original characters.

A/N: Okay, so, I know you guys hate these, so I'll try to not to make this super long and I won't put one every chapter. I've been working on this book for about a year (yikes) and only have 2 and a half chapters (yikes x2). So yea, slow writing. Also, mega slow updates bc of life :/ . I did try to stay with the books as much as possible, but I am a simple human, so there will be slight (or major, I mean who knows) differences in my story. I'll do my best and if you have any suggestions (no hate please) about my writing, please lmk.

Side note about the main character and her sister: I'm not going to try to find actresses to represent Hannah and Katy because I don't see any actress fitting how I picture them. So, right here I'm going to give a brief overview of how the look and generally act. Katy is almost a carbon-copy of their mother. She has blond, uncontrollable wavy hair that goes to her mid-back. She has a gentle, round face with grey/blue eyes. Katy was the reckless child growing up, always getting into things she wasn't supposed to, but when her mother's severe sickness was announced, she grew up quite a bit. Hannah, however, is almost the complete opposite, as she looks most like their father. She has naturally straight, brown hair that goes to her shoulders. Her oval face is accented with dark features, her eyes being almost black. Growing up, she was always the responsible one, but she never let herself lose her childhood innocence. After the announcement of their mother's sickness, Hannah put herself and how she felt about everything last, and worked to make sure her family was fed and safe.

Okay!! Other stuff y'all probably won't read! I'm from America. Chronicles of Narnia is not set in America, it's set across the big pond in England. This means I will use a figure of speech that's normal for me, but not normal for the people of England, and for that I'm sorry. While I'm here, if I accidentally offend anyone I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. Anyway, just laying that barrier there so the story can start. Have fun reading!!

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