Chapter One
News spread quickly of the attack on the celestial dragons. The streets became crowded and chaotic and it proved difficult for Raine to weave her way through. Apparently Monkey D Luffy, with a bounty of 300,000,000 Beli, had attacked a celestial dragon that had captured one of his friends.
Who would do that? She thought to herself as she made her way down the street and into a large opening. Raine clutched the string which was attached to a bubble that contained the new weapon that she had recently brought.
As she walked towards Grove 1, where all the action was happening, she saw a swarm of large men, who looked a lot like Bartholomew Kuma, one of the Shichibukai. They all walked alongside each other and at the front was a woman, or was it a man? Raine couldn't really tell.
Letting her curiosity get the best of her, she decided to follow them. While she followed them numerous clouds of smoke began billowing on the islands around her. The Straw Hats must be engaged in a fight Raine thought as numerous yells and screams could be heard, echoing around the island.
Finally the Bartholomew Kuma's came to a halt. Peering past the large men Raine found herself gazing at two of the rookies, Trafalgar Law and Eustass Kid. What's Kid doing here? She wondered as her eyes flickered up and down his body. He'd changed a lot since she had last seen him, which was a while ago.
He had grown at least a foot taller and he had large defined muscles all over his body. On his face there were a couple of horrid scars and Raine wondered where he had got them from. No one, that she knows, has ever been able to lay a finger on Kid. Not even when he had challenged the entire navy fleet that had come to their island when they were kids.
On his head he wore the same pair of squared goggles that he used to and his hair was styled in the same fashion that it always had been.
Flickering her eyes to the other man beside him, Trafalgar Law, Raine took a good look at him. She had never met any of the rookie pirates before and was curious to see what they looked like in person.
Law wore a yellow and black long sleeved top with the Heart Pirates Jolly Rodger printed on it. He had blue jeans and a white cap with spots printed in random places. He had jet black hair, side burns and a small black goatee. On both of his hands the letters d, e, a, t, h had been tattooed on each of his fingers. Looking at him Raine noticed that he was a lot shorter than Kid.
When Kid and Law saw the Bartholomew Kuma's they poised up their arms ready to fight. Raine quickly hurried into the bushes behind them, not wanting to take part in this battle. She would wait until it had ended and then follow Law back to his ship. She assumed that he would be heading to Fishermen Island for his journey to the New World and there was no way she'd tag along with Kid.
As she watched the fight she noticed how incredibly strong Kid had become. His devil fruit ability had become much more spectacular than before and Raine watched in amazement as he and Law took out Bartholomew Kuma. Although she could tell that he wasn't completely 'dead' she stayed in the bushes and awaited their next move. Obviously they both thought they had won but Bartholomew Kuma rose again and Law cringed. She saw him mutter something in his breath before a large blue dome like thing appeared around her, Kid and Bartholomew Kuma. Suddenly things began flying everywhere and bit by bit Kuma was chopped up into little pieces.
What is this power!? Raine pondered as she watched the rookie take out one of the Shichibukai. She had to be careful if she was going to board his ship, there was no way that she could be caught. There was a very slight chance that she would win in a fight against him.
Finally when Kid and Law finished beating up Kuma, they exchanged a few words before separating. Picking up her belongings Raine silently followed Trafalgar Law and his crew back to their ship.
Looking into the water Raine saw a boat, half emerged in the water. A submarine. This is so cool Raine grinned as she surveyed the ship, looking for the best route to get on board. Finally she decided it would just be best to swim, and jumped into the cold water.
Her long curly cardinal red hair coiled around her arms as she pulled herself though the water towards the boat. Although the water was quite dark she could see the shapes of fish swimming around beneath her feet. As she reached the boat she pulled herself up and quickly jumped down the chute.
Her feet landed with a thud and her hair and clothes dripped water onto the carpeted floor. Making her way down the hall she found a small room that was filled with boxes. This should be a good hiding spot Raine said out loud while squeezing her wet hair, which was even curlier that usual. Her short white half top was soaked and it clung to her body, revealing her stomach and bra. She squeezed out her top and her black skirt, which stopped about mid-thigh, before taking off her belt, which her two swords hung off, and her wet boots.
As she sat there drying she felt the engine turn on and the ship slowly starting to move. The voices of the crew were muffled, and Raine couldn't make out what they were saying. Leaning up against the wall of the submarine Raine could feel the vibration of the engine running down her spine. Her wet socks, boots and swords lay beside her as the small ship plunged into the depths of the ocean.
The ship continued to dive deeper and deeper and Raine found herself getting really cold. Shit! She thought, her teeth chattering. She totally forgot that it was cold, down at the bottom of the ocean. She hugged her legs to her chest, attempting to keep warm, but with her already wet clothes, it didn't make a difference. Giving up, Raine decided to look for a source of warmth.
Raine went through all of the boxes in the room but none of them were filled with clothing. Instead they were filled with numerous doctors' equipment and old weapons. As Raine went to sit back down her hand accidently brushed against a box and it came crashing to the ground.
Raine's head snapped up and her eyes widened in alert. She had to get out of here! Throwing the door of the room open Raine sprinted to the back of the boat, away from the direction of the oncoming footsteps.
"Did you hear that?" she heard a voice yell from behind her.
"Yes it came from the equipment room!" another voice replied.
"I know that!"
"I'm sorry!" the voice apologised.
Raine waited in complete silence and brought her hand to her waist ready to attack them if they saw her. Wait, she looked down at her waist, which seemed bare and saw that she had left her swords in the room. Her eyes flew down to her feet, and her shoes and socks!
Raine let out a frustrated groan. She really did not need this right now. How could she be so careless? This had never happened before. she made her way back down the hall slowly, listening in to what the members of the heart Pirates were saying.
"Look at this Bepo" the gruff voice said.
"Yes there are shoes and swords here Shachi" the other voice said. "Should we tell captain?"
"Of course dumbass!"
So they found them after all Raine sighed. She wondered if she should go and retrieve them but she decided against it. Going into a battle with Trafalgar Law did not seem like a good idea, no matter how strong she was. She watched as the two members, known to her now as Bepo and Shachi, carried her belongings away, ready to report to law.
Sighing Raine retreated to the very back of the boat, where she hid inside an air vent. They won't find me here she told herself. She closed her eyes, before she fell into a deep sleep.

My Rivals Sister
FanfictionWhen Raine boarded the Heart Pirates ship, she never expected that she would be captured by her brothers rival, Trafalgar law. When he learns that she is indeed the sister of 'Captain' Kid he takes her hostage in order to break apart the Kid Pirate...