She's a Weapon?

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There's no use, she can't hear me.
"Snap out of it, will ya!"

I take her face in my hands.


I never knew she was a weapon like me. How could I not of known? Does this mean she doesn't need me anymore? I gasp, no. Don't think that, she needs you. I am her weapon. Even though she is one as well, Maka would never abandon me like that. I look into her eyes, and take a deep breath and talk more calmer.


I look at the scythes jutting out from her all over.

"Maka, you need to listen to me."

I could tell she's not getting anything I'm saying, how am I supposed to do this? I take a hold her hands and squeeze them. She doesn't squeeze back.
"Damnit Maka!"

I yell out in frustration. I look at her face again, she's... Crying? I reach up to her face with shaking hands and rub the side of her face gently.
"Maka, I'm here. Everything is going to be ok."

I say softly. I feel her face twitch under my hand, followed by her scythes disappearing.

She falls into my arms crying softly. I put my arms around her trembling body and hug her tightly
"It's okay, everything's going to be okay."

I rest my chin on top of her head and rub her back.

She starts to say into my shirt muffled. She sniffles again before trying to finish her sentence.
"I didn't know... I didn't know I was a weapon."

She begins to cry more heavily. I pat her back, my thoughts were racing. They we're bad and good.. But mostly bad.
"It's going to be okay Maka."

I say hugging her tightly.
"Is this possible?? Do I have to give you up now?.."

The thought of her giving me up brought tears to my eyes. She watched my face, noticing the tears.
"Oh, Soul."

She hugs my tightly.
"Even if they told me I had to give you up, I would never."

"I love you, Soul."

She hugs me again more sincere. Both of us cry into each others arms, afraid of what all this means.
"We're going to have to go to Lord Death for answers."

I say softly.

I feel her nod in agreement. Im not looking forward to what he has to say..

I lift Maka off the ground, standing her up with me.
"I guess we should get going."

I say, staring at the holes in her jacket left behind by the scythes.

She stares off into space as if she didn't hear me, but she nods.

She says lost.

I frown, and lift her onto my back.
"It'll be alright.."

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