My truth

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Wow... I never thought my life would ever be this complicated and turned upside down. You are probably thinking, Oh how can it be so bad? Am I right? Of course I am. You are also probably thinking my current issue is probably nothing major. If so, you're wrong. 

Before I came here,  I sat in the bathroom stall with my legs pressed against my chest. My best friend Mavis was texting me as I waited for the results to appear.

"Did you do it?" The text message said. My hands were too weak and shaky to type anything back at that moment so I sat it beside me and took a couple of deep breaths to calm myself down.

"Freda?" My phone dinged again causing my phone to vibrate against the hard flooring.

"I'm waiting." I replied.

It felt like the test was taking forever but I knew it was mostly because of how anxious I was to know the results. Not knowing drove me insane. What if it does come back positive? How am I supposed to take care of a baby at age sixteen? Negative thoughts took over my mind as I dwell on all possibilities.

No, I didn't intentionally make this baby. Before you jump to conclusions, you should know... I was raped. Was I showing too much skin that night? Was I asking for it? No, but I know that's what everyone thinks because the guy who raped me is telling everyone just that.

The truth about that horrible night is-- I was with my friends at a party. I had a couple of drinks that night. We played games, swam in the pool, you know... normal party activities. When it got late, I needed a ride home. My friends were all passed out on the couch too intoxicated to function. I didn't even bother waking them. I couldn't afford an Uber so my last resort was to walk.

That's when Cory Wells decided to ruin my life. He saw me walking down the street and offered me a ride. At first, I declined. He told me he would take me straight home. He began to say how cold it was outside and that he wouldn't feel right about leaving me to freeze.

I got in the car. I could feel his eyes staring at me as I looked out the window uncomfortably. He stopped driving and parked in a dark alley. He proceeded to make small talk. I ignored him and demanded that he take me home. He gripped my leg and forced himself on top of me. I was unable to move. I fought, but he was too strong. It lasted five minutes and... he took me home. I never told anyone what happened, except for Mavis and She found me laying on the ground outside that morning. Now here we are...

"Are the results in?" Mavis rings my phone.

I look at the two lines that popped up on the stick... my stomach sank.

"It's positive."

A Walk In The Cold - #HomeBeforeDarkContestWhere stories live. Discover now