The Liar

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*Akuma battle* Chat! Throw my your tail real quick. | Sure m'lady, as you wish. | Thanks! *wraps around the villain* Chaton! I need your cataclysm!! | Okay. CATACLYSM! *touches villains akumatized spot* | Yes! We beat him! (both) Pound it! | *Yawns* All this hard work deserves a little kiss on the cheek doesn't it? | ... Not a chance kitty. *Wraps yo-yo around building and is gone in a flash*
| *sigh* Ladybug will never love me. ||
A-Adrien.. I-I something made you for- I MEAN! I made for something you- I- | MOVE! Adrikins! | *sigh* I can never talk to him.. Tikki please help me!!! | Marinette just go with your heart! Hmm, pretend adrien is some random blonde guy. OH! I know pretend he's luka! | WHAT?! Tikki that's not helping at all.. *face is as red as tomato lol* | Hey marinette! So what did you wanna give me? | AAH! ADRIEN! U-uhh.. I wanted to gift you a make! I mean! Give you a gift I made! (whisper) yeahh... | Uhm okay! Thanks Mari. |adrien had walked away| MARI?! TIKKI ADRIEN CALLED ME MARI!! HE HAD NEVER CALLED ME THAT BEFORE! *jumping in the air* | Hey girl! | Alya! Guess what!! | What? | ADRIEN CALLED ME MARI FOR THE FIRST TIME! EEEE | Uhm, that's great girl! |
Do you think he likes me more than a friend!!! | I'd doubt that. | Haha very funny. | Few Days Later | Chat noir look out!! | M'LADY! | ... | A-adrien... | Mari..nette? | ADRIEN IM SO SORRY IVE BEEN MEAN TO YOU! Your the guy that ladybug had a crush on.. | Me? | Yes.. | Few Weeks Later | Oohh Adrien do you wanna hang out? | Uhm, sorry Mari i'm going out with Kagami maybe next time? | O-oh.. okay... | Maris Mind | I CANNOT LET HIM HANG OUT WITH KAGAMI! HES MINE WE ARE SOULMATES!!! *Gasp* Am I becoming like Lila?! | Marinette do not let the anger control you. I thought you trusted Adrien? | NO I DONT ANYMORE! HE CANNOT BE WITH LILA! I'm sorry Tikki i'm sorry... | | *Talking With Kagami | Hey Adrien! | Huh? Yes Marinette? | Kagami left from jealousy | *Phew* Don't hang out with kagami! | Uhm, Why? | SHES TROUBLE! She told me to kill myself and to quit being friends with you! *Tearing up* | She did?! I'm so sorry Marinette i'll ignore her for now, tell me when she stops okay? | Okay.. | *Adrigami Ice Cream Scence* | Adrien.. I think I love you.. | Kagami. I cant.. | What? | Marinette she told me, you said to kill her self and to stop being friends.. | WHAT?! I never said that!!! | Sorry, i'm not friends with liars.. | *Yes! My plan is working very well!* | MARINETTE STOP! | Tikki? I'm doing what's best now hide! | Hey buginette! | *Buginette? Ooh! So cute! I love him so much.. *  Hey adrinoir! | *Nice name.* Uhm, so I told kagami we are not friends anymore | *YES!* Oh! That's good, you aren't friends with a LIAR anymore. | Hehe, yeah. Well! Ive gotta get going! See yah! | S-see you.. | MARINETTE! LISTEN TO ME PLEASE! | TIKKI HIDE! | *Sigh* | | *lila and adrien* | Hey adrien.. | Oh hey lila! | Oh ow!!! | LILA? What happened? | Ooh, i think it hurts.. | What hurts? | My back when i fell for you. ;) | *Blushing* So, have you learned your lesson? | Yes adrien. I'll be kind now. | ( Marinette the spy)  NO! I CANNOT LET THIS HAPPEN!! | *Lila pushes Adrien in a forcing kiss* | Mhmp! | *Ah* I know you liked that adrien. YOU LOVE ME! ONLY ME! | Lila, i'm in love with someone else. | ... That's okay. I know you love me too! You always will no mattar what. | Hmp. I think i still love Kagami. |  *Lila sassy walking away* | Adrien! | Marinette? | DONT HANG WITH LILA!!! Or kagami brat! | What? | They both went up to me and said *Marinette. Adrien is mine, touch him your dead* | WHAT?! | Yes oh please save me. | ... | Adrien? | Marinette. I think it's time for you to go. | What? | I said. It's time for you to go. | ?? | Please leave. | No! | Please. | Nope. | Now. | Not a chance. | Fine. *Adrien walks away* | Hm. What was that all about? | Kagami. You where right. She's the liar. | I'm serious adrien i would never. I-I Love you. ADRIEN?! | *Adrien pushes Kagami so her lips touch his* Kagami. I love you too. | Huh? For reals! | Yeah. I love you. | Marinette? | He knew. HE KNEW! | I told yo- | Shut up Tikki. He's mine. | Oh no.. | Tikki Spots On! —— To be continued..

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