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It Might Be You (Playlist) :

They are in the school bus and on their way to school when Mark suddenly asks her this question,

"Do you believe in soulmate?" to say that Koeun is stunned by his sudden question is an understatement. Knowing him for a very long time is supposed to make her used to such an unpredictable question, considering that Mark's middle name is actually unpredictable. But she never knows that he could ask her that kind of question so casually like it was nothing.

"I do!" She answers sternly and honesty. She has been fascinated by it since ever and hiding it from Lee Mark is like carrying water to the sea, pointless and useless. He will find out your lie in no time. And sometimes Koeun hates that specific quality of him to the bones, "What's with the sudden question?" She is curious.

"Tomorrow is my birthday..." Koeun gasps in surpise. She totally forgets about it. It is not intentional, really. It is just, she has been so busy lately with the fencing practice, homework, and other things that the only things which come across her mind so much are fencing and school.

"They said that when you turn 17 you could start seeing the sign of who your soul mate is. You know that you will have the same scar or bruise with your soulmate. I am just curious whether you believe in such things." He continues his words. But somehow Koeun doesn't pay that much attention to his words after "birthday". She is too busy trying to apologize to him for forgetting his birthday.

"I am sorry that I forget about your birthday..." Mark puts his hand on hers, fiddling with her fingers playfully.

"It's okay." He starts intertwining their hands together (it is a habitual move, but he's really grown to fond of doing this thing that he wishes he could do it forever).

"The National Tournament will be starting next week. You have to focus on that." She is still on her guilt trip when she asks,

"What gift do you want, Mark?"

You—He is supposed to say that word out loud so that she knows that he wants to be with her so badly and how he believes that she is his soulmate (those constantly rapid heartbeats whenever she is around and his willingness to put her first in every chance must mean something, right?—He asks himself a lot), but his courage seems to disappear in a very unconvenient time that all he can say is,

"Anything, but more preferably new phone with..." Koeun sighs in annoyance. Mark doesn't continue his words and chuckles instead, "In my defense, there is a new model which I like and I really need a new phone right now."

"Seriously, Mark!" She warns him but he doesn't take those words as it is. His chuckles are getting louder as she looks at him like she is ready to kill him,

"Fine. If you don't want to buy me a new phone, a new friendship bracelet would do." He shows the bracelet to her, "our old ones are so dull. We should find new ones." Koeun looks at the bracelet on his right hand and then hers on her right hand. Mark is right; they are going to need new ones.

"Friendship bracelet it is..." Mark claps his hands in glee. He is happy and grateful, really. But to be honest, he starts to hate the "friendship" label in everything they do and everything between them. He likes it at first, but time has made him hating it for a while now. He wants more, especially since he dreamed about Koeun being his soulmate, but he still has no courage to tell it straightly to Koeun. He really is tired of that label, but if telling Koeun how much he loves her could make their beautiful friendship crumbling down, he might choose to not telling her anything. Our friendship is too precious to be ruined by my feelings—Mark thought to himself.

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