The First Fracture

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Hi guys, brand new fanfic, hope you like it ( it's a bit mature, has subjects like drugs and child abuse, so don't read if you don't like that kind of stuff!


3rd Person POV

As Nagisa was walking to school, a familiar redhead run towards him.
"Hey, Nagisa, wait up!"
"Fine." Nagisa said, slowing down a bit so Karma could catch up. He caught up and slowed his running to a leisurely walk.
"What's going on, Nagisa?"
"Nothing right now, but we do have a quiz on Thursday" Nagisa answered.
"Hmmm, should be easy enough", Karma responded, not really caring.


The boys got to the classroom a bit early, so they relaxed at their desks, thinking about how they would kill Koro-sensei today. Karma, being the delinquent that he was, thought of something that was sure to get him. Nagisa meanwhile, was flicking through his notes on Koro-sensei, trying to find a potential plan that would help him assassinate him, but came up empty.

Karma was thinking about how he would implement the trap when Koro-sensei walked in.
"Good morning class, it's great to see you after the weekend!"
Everyone stood and said "Good morning Koro-sensei!"
The rest of the day went normally and everyone went home, except one Karma Akabane. He grabbed one of the guns he had in his bag and went to a nearby cliff on the mountain. As he stood there, Koro-sensei came up behind him and put his hand on Karma's shoulder.
"Back off, Octopus" Karma growled. Koro-sensei surprisingly stepped back and waited for Karma to say something. Karma quickly spun around and pointed the gun at him.
"So teach, you'd do anything for your students right?"
"So what would happen if I jumped off this cliff?"
"I'd save you, obviously"
"But I'd shoot you, so you die."
"So what will it be teach, your life, or your pride as a teacher?" Karma shouted, while leaning back. With a wild grin on his face, he fell backward off the cliff, gun pointing straight at Koro-sensei.

Before he knew it, Karma was lying in a net of Koro-sensei's tentacles. They stuck to him like glue.
"I'll be taking that!" Koro-sensei says as the gun is pulled out of Karma's hands.
"Hey! No fair!" Karma frowns as he is let down onto the ground.

Nagisa POV

Nagisa's school and home lives were about as opposite as it can get. At school he was treated kindly, with respect and was in general a great environment. Home, however, was horrible. His mother forced him to try out girly clothes and to wear his hair long. She would beat him if he ever disrespected her in any way and would berate him if he got home just a minute late. But lately, it had gotten worse. Ever since his dad left from all the stress, his mother had been drinking regularly and had started doing hard drugs. She was almost always high, drunk or a combination of the two and was extra hard with the beatings. She also had started hiring prostitutes and had loud sex with them when Nagisa was trying to sleep or do his homework.

When Nagisa arrived home, he went straight to his room, but his mom was there and grabbed him by the ear.
"Nagi-chan, you are 2 minutes late... care to explain?" His mom said in a honeyed tone.
"It's because I was uh..."
His mother hit his head hard
"Y-Yes, Mother" Nagisa whimpered
"Good girl. Now try on some of these lovely dresses I got you today!"
"Yes Mother, of course" Nagisa replies in a shaky tone. Nagisa went into his room and got changed into a pink sundress with a floral pattern. He came out and did a little twirl and curtsey. His mother clapped joyfully and ordered he put on the next one. Nagisa did so, repeating the cycle over and over until he had tried on all the dresses. He turned and walked dejectedly into his room, away from his mother hoping for some peace and quiet, but as he shuffled his feet, his mother beat him over the head with her handbag, causing him to fall to the ground, barely keeping consciousness
"THAT IS NO WAY FOR A LADY TO WALK!" His mother screamed at him, reaching into her bag with one hand and grabbed Nagisa by the chest with the other. She brought her hand out of the bag holding a kitchen knife.

"Never walk like that in front of me again, or I'll kill you."
"Y-yes mother." Nagisa replied, drawing a shaky breath and going limp.
"Good. Now go to your room and think about what you've done."
"Yes mother" Nagisa walked into his room and shut the door behind him. He sat down and sighed loudly. "I can't believe I'm about to do this, but it helps..." Nagisa reaches under his bed and pulled out a razor blade, held it in one hand, and slowly began to slice his wrists. After about 5 cuts on each arm, he walked to his cupboard and reached up to grab a half-full bottle of whiskey and a shot glass and poured himself a shot. He took it, so he poured himself another. And another. And another. Then stopped, because he was too drunk to pour another, so he grabbed his phone, scrolled through his contacts, until he found who he was looking for, someone called "X", and called them, after 3 rings, the person picked up and asked, "who?"
"The Snake"
"How much?"
"I-hic-need it"
Half an hour later, a package was slipped through his window. Nagisa drunkenly picked it up, opened it, and took out a baggie. He put it out onto the table and grabbed a straw. He slumped onto the table and snorted half a line. He then fell back onto the ground and instantly went to sleep.


It was a week after the cutting, and everyone at school had started to notice small changes in Nagisa's behaviour, such as his unusual level of hyperactivity, him randomly falling asleep in class, sporadic mood swings, and him wearing exclusively long sleeve shirts. But there was another thing that only a few people that were close to him, as well as Koro-sensei and Karasuma-sensei noticed. His fighting style became more chaotic, like Karma's, but more extreme.


Hi guys! End of first chapter, hope you guys like it. If you want more, comment here!

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