Chapter one: The Birth of Elizabeth

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Anne was at Hampton court getting ready for a happy time in her life. She was about to have her second child. She was happy but she was also fearful. She was hoping for a boy to make her husband happy. But she knew the chances of that were pretty slim now. Seeing as they already lost their first child in a miscarriage. Which was caused by Henry's brilliant idea of having a joust. Which got Henry hurt and made her worry about him. Causing her to worry and stress that her child would be without a father. Which would make Mary queen of England. But that didn't happen. What did happen is that they lost their first child due to that accident. Which made Henry upset. Since they're first child was a boy. Which made Anne scared because Cathrine of Aragon also had miscarriages. But Anne didn't know how many miscarriages so she wasn't sure about that. She did know one thing. Not having a son lost her favor in Henry's eyes. Which means it will make Anne not having a son lose her favor in the king's eyes as well. Which she didn't want.

But the future is unknown to her. Her baby's gender is unknown to her as well. Which is the reason she hopes that her baby will be a boy. Anne was in bed reading at the time her ladies in waiting were coming in to be ready for when the baby is born. Since it was any day now. Anne felt a hard kick as her ladies who she considered as friends were preparing for her baby's birth. " Easy now." Anne said, wanting the baby to calm down a bit. But the baby wasn't going to calm down. It was time for the baby to come out and the baby was ready to be born. Anne gasped as her water broke. " Girls it's time." Anne said, needing them to help her. Jane nodded and told the girls what to do. They all rushed around to help Anne with labor. Jane held her hand knowing they will always be friends after everything that has happened between them. Anne knew that too. They always knew no matter what Henry did to them or their friendship they will always be friends. " Are you ready Anne?" Jane asked, wondering if she was ready to do this. " Yes. Let's get this over with." Anne said ready to see her baby. Then Anne started pushing.

Time skip

After hours of labor the baby was finally born. Jane wrapped the baby in a pink blanket. That's how Anne knew the baby was a girl. But she didn't care. She would love her baby girl very much. Henry wasn't going to stop her from loving their daughter. Anne took her baby and smiled down at her. Jane sat down next to Anne and had a question for her. " So what are you going to name her?" Jane asked, wondering what Anne was going to name the baby. Anne thought about it for a minute. A name came to her. A name Anne really liked. " Elizabeth. Her name is Elizabeth." Anne said, liking the name a lot. Jane smiled knowing that name will mean a lot to Henry as well. Henry's mother was named Elizabeth. But Anne was panicking on the inside. Elizabeth wasn't a son but she just hoped Henry wouldn't be mad at her. 

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