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??: Hi, everyone! It's, me, Cocoa, and I have decided to make this little somewhat interactive thing! I will now introduce our friends here. This is someone y'all probably know, the one, the only, Queen Poppy!

Poppy: Hi! Nice to meet you all!

Cocoa: And of course if you know Poppy, you all know who's next.... Branch!

Branch: Hi. Wait... Why am I here again?

Poppy and Cocoa: ......

Cocoa: Anyways. This will be a story where you can ask or dare our friends here. Nothing inappropriate, though. Please. Just ask away in the comments, and I will choose one to work with.

Branch: *gets up and starts to leave* Goodbye

Poppy: No, no, no. Branch, get back here! *pulls him back*

Branch: Nooo, I don't want to be here. *tries to go*

Poppy: C'mon, it's gonna be fun!

Branch: No.

Cocoa: .....

Poppy and Branch: Yes! No! Yes! Nooo! Yeees!

Cocoa: ... Let's just start... o.o

Poppy: Remember, just ask/dare in the comments! *shoves Branch into his chair*

Branch: *gives Poppy a glare* I give up.

Poppy and Cocoa: Have fun!

Branch: .....

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