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first of all, wtf is going on. this is literally the FIFTH case of bullying we've had this week. idk if abbey is the same person on this slut account, but i wouldn't be surprised if it was.

i wanna thank everyone for sticking up for me. god, it sounds so cheesy, and i don't mean to egg it .. but i was legit in tears seeing so many people standing up for me. even people i thought were my dead set enemies. colton and levi stood up for me, and a bunch of people who don't like me too. it came as a shock, and i ..ill be able to sleep better at night now, lmao.

in my personal opinion, and im sure many of you agree. we shouldn't be giving them the attention they want. i know you aren't going to listen to me. but like .. if we all block them, report them, and ignore them .. they don't have a fucking audience then, will they? no. so, who are they seeking attention from? no one who'll listen. and therefore, they will be forced to shut the fuck up.

like .. they WANT our attention, and we all KNOW they do. we shouldn't give them what they want. i get that you're offended and angry, but it's pointless. i've been there, as many of you know. i have a dark past and have done some unspeakable things. but i've learnt from that, and i know for a FACT that drama never ends, and it never gets us anywhere.

i literally have no fucking idea what else to say, lmao. so uh .. k bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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