1. The letter

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There was once a Legend. Families, children, men, women.

It was called Rivergon, located in Calidonia's far west. Once 2 seperate villages, rivals. One day, that all changed.

You see, boys, lets travel back in time to when it all happened!

It was always sunny in the village of Rivergon, a bright, happy place. Then one day that all changed. You see, Rivergon had a rival. Land Of The Lost. You'll find out why in the story.

"Rivergon has always treated me badly. Now its time Rivergon got a taste of what it truly deserves! HA HA! When Rivergon asks what hit it, I'll scream I AM NATASHA GOTH, YOUR RIGHTFUL QUEEN! I'll spread my army of sirens, my Guards, I will bring hatred! Oh rivergon, you'll never even know I hit you! I'll bring my soldiers, there will be nothing left but dead people! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Natasha Goth was one of the king's daughters.

"Natasha was a bright little girl, despite the fact that her mother and father wished they never had her and often said she was nothing but a bundle of regret and disappointment to the kingdom. Then when they had Hazel, their youngest daughter, they treated her with love and affection, they chose her to be queen. When Hazel was crowned queen, Natasha grew jealous, vengeful and full of hatered. She became evil and used her magic to turn her pretty blue dress to a Long, black gown. She soon became more of a threat to the kingdom, so queen Hazel cursed her to a land far away. Legend has it, that queen Hazel will not be able to keep her there forever.

Natasha has the most beautiful singing voice, and she used it to form a village of her own. She married an evil prince and together they had a son, Lessio, a young boy who is loyal only to his village. The evil queen is coming, and she is bringing an army that also includes her youngest son, Emilio. You, Cordelia, must do anything to avoid him. Understand, darling?"

Cordelia's mother said.

"Yes, mother. I understand. I will do my very best to stay away from him. I shall hang the clothes out?"

"Very good dear. Yes, please put the clothes out oh, and please drop these out to the bakery dear."

"Of course mother."

"Wait Grandma , who is Cordelia?"

"Quiet Cameron! Let grandma tell her story!"

"You be quiet Corbyn!"

"You be-"

"BOYS! Listen to your grandmother!"

"Sorry mother..."

Cordelia was an adventurous teenager. Little did her mother know that Cordelia was actually going to her favourite place, the outback beyond the village of Rivergon.

"Hmmm. The beautiful sound of the waterfalls, the birds chirping, the sound of the children as they played."

Cordelia said as she closed her eyes and took in a breath of the sweet smell of the air that surrounded her. The feel of the soft, green, grass touching the tip of toes, were most satisfying to her. All of a sudden a sound of screaming and clashing emerged. Suddenly that feeling of relaxation blead into worry, she soon found herself climbing the trees for safety.

"You people go up south. I'll stay here and I'll shoot anyone that moves."

A young boy said.

"Oh great! Soldiers everywhere!

Cordelia mumbled as she tried to climb out of the trees carefully.

"I see you love to hide!"

Emilio laughed.

"Don't shoot!"

Cordelia begged

"I wasn't even planning on it! You might be my enemy, but I'm only doing this for my mother. Here, I'll help you up, just don't tell my mum! Deal?"

"Are you kidding? Your mother is Natasha Goth! She'll know I'm from here, she'll capture me and probably tie me to a stake and burn me to death for even noticing you!"

"Woah! Hold your hors-, stop! Get down! You need to get out of here, i see the soldiers coming! I'm Emilio by the way... GO!

Cordelia immediately paced out of the woods and back into the roads of rivergon making sure there was no one following her.

"Are you Cordelia Honeyson? Queen Hazel has ordered me to present you with this letter. You have until sunset tomorrow to make your decision and return this letter to the queen. She requests that you return this letter to her in person. Just remember she is a queen, she has royal duties and therefore she can be very impatient."

"Of course sir. I will read this letter as soon as I can. Thank you sir."

Cordelia said cheerfully.

"Dear Cordelia honeyson,

I'm sure you have heard about the war that is going on between Rivergon and my evil sister's village, land of the lost. My guards have been monitoring the girls and boys of the village. When they saw you, they immediately reported you to me. I have been thinking that Rivergon needs a fighter that is young, brave, adventurous, determined, and most of all, loyal. My guards have told me you are all of those things and I would very joyful if you would like to be my lead warrior. As time is not on our side, i will be testing your skills and teaching you how to improve. Please return this letter to me in person by sunset tomorrow, once you have made your decision.

Kind regards,

Queen Hazel."

The letter read.

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