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"Get some rest, darling"

Be kind please, I am a sensitive cheeto

-Time period : HAMILTIME


°no ones PoV°

John sighs aggresively, tomorrow they'll be fighting in Monmouth, and this night, he couldn't sleep a wink

He is sitting on a tree trunk with his palms on his forehead, he could only think of the chances of dying, and it bothered him maybe too much....

Knowing he needed rest for the big battle tomorrow, he walk back to his tent, opening the flaps, he sits on the ground, as his thoughts wandered around, he curled into a little ball, drying the cold sweat in his forehead

His train of thoughts got interrupted by the flaps of his tent opening, he looks at the guy with an annoyed expression, but as soon he sees Alex he soften his gaze

"What's wrong, darling?" Alex asks as he walks closer to the poor boy, sitting next to him, he puts his arm around John's shoulder

"I was thinking about the war, I fear I may die" the poor boy said in the verge of tears, John lays his head on Alex's shoulder, mumbling words Alex cant understand

"What if I do die? What will you do? What will the others do? What does it feel like to be dead? What will happen while i'm gone? What will c-" Alex cut him off by pulling him in a hug, he shushed John, humming a sweet melody to the poor boy

"Stop with the questions, darling" he said laying John down on his bed, still humming the melody to him

"Get some rest, darling" Alex said, kissing the now sleepy boy, Alex grabbed John's hand carassing it to help John sleep better

"Goodnight, darling" Alex said before standing up, he looks at the sleeping boy then chuckles, walking off to his own tent to sleep


Ehem.... so that was my shitty story, for all ya'll cinnamon rolls there and cant stand smut, (S) in the title means theres going to be sexual content or smut, that a lil' warning for ya'll cute cinnamon buns

BTW, whats your favorite starbucks drink?


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