Son Hak

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(But Hak for the friends. And we’re all his friends)

This guy’s probably one of the sexiest, best looking anime characters of all time.

His whole physique is PERFECT. Strong and long body, beautiful blue eyes, Levi-like hair which we all adore.

All that combined with his great sense of humour and the way he wants to protect you and still wants you to enjoy and learn from life with him.

He’s just the perfect dude, dude.

I’d want to be him if I was a guy, but being Yona wouldn’t sound too bad either. I really wouldn’t mind being the redhead girl of his dreams and be able to fuck him every day… Wait. That sounded weird…

Anyway, for you who don’t know the anime or manga, it’s called “Yona of the Dawn” and it’s great, seriously, Yona and Hak’s relationship is enough for watching it to be worth it. So please do.

Welp, thanks for reading. I don’t know what’s with me today. Next chapters won’t be so long lol I was supposedly just going to write a sentence. Ah… Hak gets me so inspired…

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